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学会阅读非小说类的书籍。Learn to peruse non-fiction paperbacks.

请在空暇时细读这篇报道。Please peruse this report at your leisure.

研读同一个雇主的其他招聘广告。Peruse other job ads from the same employer.

你经常在书店里浏览哪个门类?What section of the bookstore do you usually peruse?

难不成跑到书房里看书去?Is complicated don't convert to run to den in peruse?

人们很快就能得到搜索结果,并能简单地读出这些结果。In all cases the results came quickly and were easy to peruse.

步行游览城市,细读的菜单,并坐下来吃饭。Walk around the city, peruse the menu, and sit down for a meal.

他在秘鲁人民心中的地位远超过玻利瓦尔。He in Peruse people's heart is much more important than Bolivar.

我们去了东台路,那里有许多古玩可供赏玩。We went Dongtai road where there was lots of antiques to peruse.

我们同时还介意你以后还是少带肯德尔去看你得珠宝为好。We also suggest you stop inviting Kendall to peruse your jewelry.

仔细阅读这个页面上的可用选项,然后尝试更改一些选项。Peruse the options available on this page, and try changing a few.

当里尒登读评论时,丽塔重复里尒登背诵的东西。Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon peruse the comments.

瘦人斜靠在乾净的豆科植物上读叶片传单。The lean man leans on the neat bean plant to peruse a foliage pamphlet.

我们不仅仅是念诗,诗从我们舌间滑落,就像蜜糖。We didn't equitable peruse verse, we let it drop from our tongues favor honey.

我们刚到的时候,里面空荡荡的,没什么人,我们就花了大把的时间在自己的神游和奇思妙想里。The store was empty when we first arrived, giving us time to peruse at our own whimsy.

花些时间细读返回到结果,熟悉其中包含的内容。Take a moment to peruse the returned results and familiarize yourself with the content.

细读一遍其他人已经准备好的民意测验的通迅录,投上你的一票,或者看一下投票结果。Peruse through the directory of polls that others have created, add your vote, or view results.

她的目光又回到了那封信上,又读了第二遍,发现原来还有一小段附言。She cast her eyes again over the note to peruse it a second time, and saw there was a postscript.

不过你可以花点时间看看这些概念的相关链接,或细读一些相关书籍。Take the time to look these concepts up in the related links, or peruse one of the related books.

求和平、促合作、谋发展已是当今时代的主题。To peruse peace, promote cooperation and seek development has become the theme of the current era.