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它是四处遍布的。It's pervasive.

为何在普及性设备上?Why on a pervasive device?

如何普遍的是上下文敏感?How pervasive is context-sensitivity?

那么,什么引起了普遍的悲观情绪?So what accounts for the pervasive gloom?

普适计算是ubicomp的同义词。Pervasive computing is a near synonym for ubicomp.

一词多义是人类语言中存在的普遍现象。Polysemy is a pervasive phenomenon in human language.

在北方方言区里,“大”或“大大”曾经是一个普遍的亲属称谓。"Da" is a pervasive kinship term in the northern dialect.

非浏览器用户在这里显示为一个普及用户。The non-browser-based user is shown here as a pervasive user.

分析师认为,目前这类产品到底有多么普遍仍是个迷。Analysts say it is unclear just how pervasive such products are.

在一个网络无处不在的世界里,这确实是一个矛盾。There’s an odd paradox at work in the world of the pervasive web.

再创造与二次创造将比初创更为强大、普遍。Reinvention can be even more powerful and pervasive than invention.

双宾结构是自然语言中普遍存在的最基本的结构之一。The double object construction is pervasive in English and Chinese.

法在社会生活中无处不在,深刻地影响眷我们。Law is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us.

区分对立两种的倾向在人类思考中顽固不化、处处都有。The tendency to dichotomize is stubbornly pervasive in human thought.

但历史气息最浓的地方,莫过于极富喜剧色彩的苏格兰首府。Nowhere is it more pervasive than in Scotland's dramatic capital city.

黎巴嫩的许多菜肴都风靡整个中东地区,比如鹰嘴豆泥——一种美味的鹰嘴豆酱。a delicious chickpea spread, are pervasive throughout the Middle East.

这也与屡禁不止的腐败行为有关。It's also related to the corruption that has been pervasive across China.

“在我们的学区里,这样的错误观点仍然是普遍的,”他说。"The same argument is still pervasive in our school community, " he says.

疼痛是脊髓空洞症患者普遍的问题。Pain is a disabling and pervasive problem for patients with syringomyelia.

失败的情绪就象损坏腐烂的臭味一样弥漫全艇。The mood of defeat was as pervasive as the odor of malfunctions and decay.