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他保持着悲观主义。He remains a pessimist.

这是悲观的观点。That's the pessimist view.

社交乐观主义者或悲观主义者?Social optimist or pessimist?

你为什么总是一个悲观主义者?Why are you always a pessimist?

我说,我是一个天生的悲观主义者。Look, I said, I'm a born pessimist.

从评论来看,有些人是悲观主义者,等着瞧。Some of the commenters are pessimist. Wait and watch.

知道乐观派和悲观派之间有什么不同吗?。Know the difference between a pessimist and an optimist?

有些悲观主义者认为这只会招来羞辱。Some pessimist think that this can only lead to humiliation.

有一个关于一个乐观者和一个悲观者的著名而古老的故事。There is a famous old story about an optimist and a pessimist.

悲观主义说他从一开始就被傻瓜玩弄了。The pessimist says he was played for a fool, right from the start.

悲观的人,即使走在平坦的大道,也会被小石子绊倒。The pessimist stumbles over pebbles even on a wide and well-paved road.

永远不会有,我们的铁路还没铺到斯利那加呢。在这方面,我是一名悲观主义者。Never – ever. We are yet to reach Srinagar. I am a pessimist in this regard.

难道你不认为你是一个从你的调查中浮现出来的人性悲观主义者吗?Do you think you emerged from your research as a pessimist about human nature?

悲观主义者通常对于仿真没有什么期待,但这样他也假设到The pessimist typically does not expect much from simulation, but even he presumes that

给悲观的孩子买你们能够承担得起的最昂贵的礼物,而送给乐观的孩子一盒马粪。Give the pessimist the best toys you can afford, and give the optimist a box of manure.”The

当一切顺利时,乐观主义者居功自傲而悲观主义者只把成功视为侥幸。When things go right, the optimist takes credit while the pessimist sees success as a fluke.

在宇宙里,即使是最坚定的悲观主义者也想像不出还有那么多暗淡无光的球状物。There are more dim bulbs in the universe than even the most hardened pessimist might have imagined.

悲观主义者吗?那是曾和乐观主义者过从甚密的人。——温切尔。A pessimist? That's a person who has been intimately acquainted with an optimist. --Walter Winchell.

无休止的悲观将会把别人向下拖拽,并且很有可能让人一无所成。The eternal pessimist will always try to drag other people down and will probably be less productive.

乐观者等至深夜为的是看到新的一年的开始,而悲观者等到深夜只是想证实旧年的逝去。An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in . A pessimist stays up to make the old year leaves.