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无柄的叶没有叶柄。A sessile leaf has no petiole.

叶柄及茎秆黄绿色或褐色。Olive or petiole and cauline stalk are Brown.

叶片占植株地上部鲜质量的比例高于叶柄。Leaf blade had more proportion than petiole in fresh weight.

叶柄基部鳞片棕色,披针形。Scales attaching to the base of petiole are brown, lanceolate.

由叶柄或叶基部生长出的变态的叶,为发育产生的外部结构。Stipule A modified leaf found as an outgrowth from the petiole or leaf base.

束腰、美观,品质优,叶色油绿,叶柄宽厚。Rich bottom shape, good quality, glossy dark green leaf, thick wider petiole.

亮到中绿色椭圆型很薄的叶子,有波纹,长而有弹性的叶柄。Light to medium green, elliptical, very thin, crinkled, long flexible petiole.

亮绿色椭圆型很薄的叶子,长而有弹性的叶柄。通常单个。Light green, elliptical, very thin, long flexible petiole. Usually single crown. Large.

一年生枝浅黄褐色,具椭圆形皮孔,尤以。On one-year-old tawny sticks, with oval-shaped Pikong, especially near the petiole more.

须根、叶片和叶柄中,均含有生物碱和小檗碱。ResultsRhizome, fibre, lamina and petiole organs obtain alkaloid and berberine contents.

亮绿色椭圆型很薄的叶子,长而有弹性的叶柄。通常单个顶芽。大型。Light green , elliptical, very thin , lo ng flexible petiole. usually sin gle crown . large.

叶柄、茎均具同化功能,但机械组织不发达。The petiole and the stem all posses assimilation, but con-tain very littls mechanical tissue.

亮到中绿色椭圆型很薄的叶子,有波纹,长而有弹性的叶柄。通常单个顶芽。大型。Light to medium green, elliptical, very thin, crinkled , long flexible petiole. Usually single crown. Large.

在子叶、叶柄、胚轴以及胚根四者当中,下胚轴对2,4-D的反应状况最好。Among cotyledon, petiole of cotyledon, hypocotyl, and radicle, hypocotyl has the most responsive explants to2,4- D.

在子叶、叶柄、胚轴以及胚根四者当中,下胚轴对2,4-D的反应状况最好。Among cotyledon, petiole of cotyledon, hypocotyl , and radicle, hypocotyl has the most responsive explants to2,4- D.

原来,在含羞草叶柄的茎部,有一个储藏液体的囊袋,它好像液压机里的油缸。It turned out that the stem petiole in Mimosa , a liquid storage pocket, it looks like the fuel tank of the hydraulic drive.

采用改良的ER培养基,附加不同种类的植物生长调节物质,使茶树接近成熟的种子的子叶基部及子叶柄形成胚状体。The use of improved ER medium will enable cotyledons basis and cotyledon petiole of the Thea sinensis L. to develop embryoid.

小叶丁香叶柄表皮覆盖一层较薄的角质层,韧皮部外无韧皮纤维。In the petiole of Syringa microphylla Diels, thinner cuticle cover on the epidermis, there are no phloem fiber surround the phloem.

目的确定峨眉野连不同器官的总生物碱和小檗碱含量。ObjectiveTo determine the total alkaloid and berberine contents in rhizome, fibre, lamina and petiole organs from Coptis omeiensis.

成叶中等大,圆形,叶缘锯齿纯,深5裂,叶面光滑,叶背绒毛稀,叶柄洼圆形闭合。A big, round leaves medium, serrated blade pure, deep 5-lobed, heart-shaped, glossy, back down thin, circular hollow petiole closed.