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为火箭喝彩。20连胜。Bravo rox. 20 is phenomenal.

葛斯汉的成功是不同凡响的。Grisham's success is phenomenal.

它有个明显的角速度。So it has a phenomenal angular velocity.

这些措施的效果是非常明显的。The effects of those measures were phenomenal.

邦齐的天才靠打是现象级别的。The talent drop-off after Bonzi is phenomenal.

艾滋病就是一个例子。Harvard dwas just a phenomenal experience for me.

作为一名登山者,了解马罗礼所做的事情意义重大。As a climber, to know what Mallory did was phenomenal.

仅仅一个普通吸尘器,就拥有如此了得的加速度。It's a phenomenal acceleration, the simple vacuum cleaner.

基督教加尔文主义拥有瞩目的产业文化。Calvinist Christianity has a culture of phenomenal industry.

在全球范围内,他们正在以惊人的速度消亡着。They are disappearing at a phenomenal rate, all across the world.

首发上阵的中后搭配卢西奥和胡安就是神来之笔。It starts with the phenomenal center-back pairing, Luicio and Juan.

VH1正在以他们的救援做音乐活动的是显著的。What VH1 is doing with their Save the Music campaign is phenomenal.

这是一个相当惊人的数字,并且它还在不断增加That's a phenomenal amount, and they keep going over and over again.

中国在规模和智慧方面可谓急起直追。China in both size and wisdom is a phenomenal and urgent opportunity.

在有划伤和刺伤的地方,疼痛感变得很明显。In places where there were cuts or pierces, the pain became phenomenal.

但他们仍然不缺少能力非凡的球员,坚持不懈的精神,个性鲜明的形象。But they still have phenomenal players, continuity and a clear identity.

她是个奇迹一般的演员,在喜剧和电影上都很成功。She is a phenomenal actress and very versatile in both comedy and drama.

我们的打法十分正确,对于整个达拉斯市来说,这是一个无可比拟的伟大成就!We played the right way. This is a phenomenal thing for the city of Dallas.

过去几年,美捷步惊人的发展使其发生了很多变化。Over the years, the phenomenal growth of Zappos has resulted in many changes.

作为明尼苏达州访问量最大的公园,古兹伯里瀑布州立公园绝对名副其实。Minnesota’s most visited state park, Gooseberry Falls is a phenomenal location.