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我去过凤凰城。I have visited Phoenix.

“凤凰涅磐,浴火重生”!Phoenix Nirvana, Born of Fire.

哼,乌鸦变凤凰?Hum, the crow variable phoenix?

凤凰是神话中的一种鸟。The phoenix is a mythical bird.

我们在凤凰古城走了一圈。We walked around Phoenix Old City.

主持是凤凰卫视的美女杨舒。The beautiful MC is from Phoenix TV.

凤凰不翔,麒麟不游。Phoenix is not CHEUNG, Kirin not swim.

凤人美一把推开了流岩。Phoenix beauty a pushed away flow rock.

而如今,凤去了,凰空留。Now, go to Phoenix, Phoenix leave empty.

然而去凤凰城目前是有问题的。But getting to Phoenix is now problematic.

栽下梧桐树,引得凤凰来。Planted plane trees, attracted to Phoenix.

这只凤的眼睛我老是绣不好。I cannot get the eyes of the phoenix right.

另找时间来看看这只火凤凰吧。Let's look at this phoenix some other time.

凤凰引时尚,阿好写传奇!Phoenix leads vogue, a good writing legend!

西南地区旅行,从凤凰对尤马。Travel southwest from Phoenix towards Yuma.

看一湖秋月,赏远处凤凰九天。At the lake, enjoy nine days distant phoenix.

且看小伙有绝招,梧桐来了金凤凰。See small trick, the Indus to golden phoenix.

因此薛家岛又称“凤凰岛”。So Xuejiadao also known as "Phoenix Islands."

凤凰城是美国第8大最繁忙的机场。Phoenix is the country's eighth busiest airport.

“左边有对金狮子,右边有对金凤凰”啦!The lion, the right of gold of golden phoenix"!"