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实践是形成实践智慧的前提条件。Practice is prior condition for create phronesis.

法律实践言说达成的真理是不同于自然科学性质的事后真理,它有其自身的限度。The law truth reached through phronesis saying is formed afterward, and has its own limits.

实践理性作为一种认识论范畴遂成为法概念问题的主要分析工具。So Phronesis as epistemological category is regarded as a mainly analytic tool about law concept.

在实践理性的法认识论维度下,法律其实就是一种实践言说。If we accept the phronesis model of legal epistemology, law is actually spoken by a kind of phronesis saying.

对法律实践言说之社会结构分析引入了公共领域的分析框架,它为实践理性维度下的法概念提供了结构性支撑。When social structural is researched, public field is introduced to offer structural support for the phronesis model of the law concept.

第二章探讨转向的可能性基础,主要是理解和实践、对话和实践理性的内在关联和沟通。The second deals with the possible base for the turn, which reveals on the affinity between understanding and practice, dialogue and phronesis.

通过实践理性的思想史考察,可以看出实践理性所阐明的是主体际的言说、论辩与合意。Through we investigate intellectually the history of Phronesis, we can find out phronesis what expounds saying, arguing and agreement among people.

信息化社会的人才要具备的“实践智慧”包括共同生活、生存、做事、在实践中学习的能力。" phronesis " that the talent of the information-based society wants to have includes to live together, exist, work, ability study in the fulfillment.

随着教育研究的深入,实践思维已初现端倪,在主体及其实践的基础上整合了实体思维和关系思维。With the further educational research going on smoothly, phronesis which is being formed integrates episteme with relation thinking based on mans subject.

随着教育研究的深入,实践思维已初现端倪,在主体及其实践的基础上整合了实体思维和关系思维。With the further educational research going on smoothly, phronesis which is being formed integrates episteme with relation thinking based on man's subjectivity and its practice.

教师专业发展的基本理论主要包括专业素质的构成理论,发展阶段理论以及实践思维的理论。The major theory of teachers' professional development includes the theory of teachers' professional qualities, the theory of teachers' professional development stages and the theory of phronesis.