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植被图上的植被型是依空照图上的形相来辨识。Vegetation types were identified according to the physiognomic appearances in aerial photographs.

在面部感知方面,除了相貌的变化,一些诸如眼镜的配饰也会影响外表。In face perception, besides physiognomic changes, accessories like eyeglasses can influence facial appearance.

它记录57人的面部照片和他们的背景,并分析他们的面部特征。It records 57 people's facial photos and their background, and analyze their facial charcter by "physiognomic".

尝试用现代风格呈现中国传统文化‘相面术’。Kila Cheung says, "the facebook" try to use modern style to present the traditional chinese culture "physiognomic".

独特的地质构造及地貌特征,造就了区内极丰富的矿产资源。Particular geological structure and physiognomic characteristics bring up much abundant mineral resources in the area.

由于石灰岩山间盆地的地形地貌特点,水土流失和蓄水问题都很突出。Because of the terrain and physiognomic characteristics of basins in ka rst areas, soil erosion and water reserve in basin bottom are severe.

这也许说明,面孔特异性机制是由传递了特定面孔信息的特征引起的,而不受是否专长的影响。This pattern indicates that face-specific mechanism is induced by particular face features that convey certain physiognomic information regardless of expertise.

作为一种心理现象,现象感知对词汇演变诸如创词、构词和词义变化都产生了深刻的影响。As a psychological phenomenon, physiognomic perception has profound effects upon words' evolvement including coinage, word formation, and change of word meaning.

结合自然地表的地形地貌图,建立了复杂自然地表三维几何结构生成模型。Combined with the topographic and physiognomic maps of natural terrains, a 3-D model which generates the geometrical structures of complex terrain, has been developed.

担任政府官员的知识份子将相术作为个人兴趣,用在人事安排上,并由此得到美名。The intellectual who serve as government official take the physiognomic as oneself interest to use it in the personnel matters arrangement, and obtain good reputation.