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到毕卡德利广场要多少钱呢?How much is it to Piccadilly Circus?

我还去了皮卡迪利广场。I also went to the Piccadilly Circus.

你能给我们讲讲皮卡迪利广场吗?Can you tell us about Piccadilly Circus?

我走这条路去皮卡迪利广场对吗?Am I on the right road to Piccadilly Circus?

文公园之间,位于特拉法加广场的北面。Between Piccadilly and Covent Garden, just north of Trafalgar Square.

皮卡迪利广场中心有一尊据说是厄洛斯的铸像。In the middle of Piccadilly Circus there is a statue said to be of Eros.

皮卡迪利大街附近的一著名的拱廊街道上,几家高挡商店刚刚开门。The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening.

现在这街附近的环形地铁和地铁站就叫做皮卡迪利圆环。Today, the nearby roundabout and Tube station is called Piccadilly Circus.

皮卡迪利大街附近的一条著名拱廊街道上,几家高档商店刚刚开始营业。The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just "opening".

客人是坐落在皮卡迪利广场,牛津街,和更多。Guests are situated conveniently near to Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street, and more.

在皮卡迪里广场的中央,伫立着一座据称名为厄络斯爱神的雕像。In the middle of Piccadilly Circus there is a statue said to be of Eros , the god of love.

北安普顿亲王,同时是贵族社团的主席,邀请他参加他在皮卡迪利的家宴。Lord Northampton, president of the Royal Society, invited him to a reception at his house in Piccadilly.

好的,显然地,大屏幕的皮卡迪利广场出现在很多电影里。所有人都知道它。Yeah, so I mean, obviously Piccadilly Circus with the big screens is in so many films. Everybody knows it.

在伦敦举行的「苏丹的大象」街头演出进入最后一天,一只机械巨象行经皮卡迪里大道。The Elephant' moves along Piccadilly on the final day of "The Sultan's Elephant" performance in London May 7, 2006.

如果你要享受特别的伦敦风情,可在下午的四点半左右到皮卡迪利大街的里兹饭店享用下午茶。If you want that special London feeling, go to the Ritz in Piccadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four.

杰明街是连接两条大道之间的一条小街,与处于英国首都城市心脏位置的皮卡迪利大街平行。Jermyn Street is a small through way that runs parallel to Piccadilly in the heart of the great English capital city.

如果你进入斯雷克特空军基地你将会看到皮卡迪利广场,它显然是以一些英国空军人员命名的。If you step into Selector Airbase you will see Piccadilly Circus—obviously named by some homesick Royal Air Force personnel.

自从爆炸后伦敦的通车者第一次回到皮卡迪利线的地下铁。London commuters got back on board the city's reopened Piccadilly Line subway service for the first time since the bombings.

除了这两处景点,还有我们还乘船在泰晤士河上航行、参观伦敦塔、漫步皮卡迪利广场。Besides them, there was a cruise on the Thames River, a visit to the Tower of London as well as a walk through Piccadilly Circus.

19世纪70年代,由于亚洲企业开始称霸世界市场,因此日本企业开始在皮卡迪利广场的广告牌上纵横天下。As Asian companies began to conquer global markets in the 1970s, so Japanese businesses started to colonise the Piccadilly boards.