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我以前喜欢在7号码头滑滑板。I used to skate Pier 7.

我们将小船拴在码头。We tied the boat to a pier.

我们在码头以鱼叉叉鲶鱼。We gigged for catfish off the pier.

天上与堤上满布着海鸥。They fill the sky and cover the pier.

你想他会在九龙城码头吗?。Do you expect he at Kowloon City Pier?

他驾船倒驶离开码头。He backed his boat away from the pier.

你想他会在九龙城码头吗?。Do you expect him at Kowloon City Pier?

你想他会在九龙城码头吗?Do you expect him at Kowloon City Pier?

本班为507线列车前往屯门码头。This is route 507 to Ferry Pier Terminus.

一年冬天,我来到了这里,‘红宝石码头’。One winter, I came to this pier. Ruby Pier.

一艘轮船在码头泊位停泊。A steamship moored to its berth at the pier.

整个桥墩从头到尾都沐浴在灯火之中。The pier was lit up along its entire length.

卡车撞坏了公路桥的桥墩。The truck stove in the pier of the road bridge.

远离大桥,开向浦东的码头。Away from the bridge, opened to the Pudong pier.

防波堤从岸边伸向海。The pier jutted out from the shore into the sea.

当他们驶近码头时,他的忧虑明显起来。His fear was clear as they steered near the pier.

茫茫水中渚,上有一孤墩。Vast expanse of the water bank, on a lonely pier.

在卡莉丝海滩的码头旁牵着匹马儿前行的人。Man leading horse near pier at Carlisle Bay Beach.

大桥叽叽嘎嘎围绕中间的桥墩旋转And the bridge moaned and turned on its middle pier

作弊者在码牌时集中“码墩”。Cheating in the code card concentrated" code pier".