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取自洋槐等树木的硬木。Fir or pine wood.

增加了新的柱状松树!Added new Columnar Pine tree!

另一种是拉不拉多松。Another is the loblolly pine.

全佐治亚的好松木都在亚特兰大周围,而城里面又大兴土木。With all the good Georgia pine

一般是一棵松树或者冷杉。It is usually a pine or a fir.

松叶像针尖刺人。Pine needles prickle like pins.

高耸于悬崖之上的一棵松树。A pine tree overlooks the cliff.

那松树飘移在那风里。The pine tree moves in the wind.

松树是节操的象征。The pine is a badge of constancy.

松树披上了银装。The pine tress were robed in snow.

这儿,紫丁香,配上一根松枝。Here, lilac, with a branch of pine.

一棵高耸的松树俯视全景。A tall pine dominated the landscape.

他很快就把松木箱的表面磨擦光了。He soon scraped down the pine chest.

松树和枞树都是结球果的植物。The pine and fir are coniferous trees.

我们家附近有片松树林。There is a pine forest near our house.

瞧,迎客松正在欢迎我们呢。See, The Welcoming Pine is greeting us.

这间舒适的房间镶有松木。The cheerful room was panelled in pine.

我们像松柏——宁折不弯。We should not bend as cypress and pine.

科恩松就是一个明显的例子。A prime example is the bristlecone pine.

菠萝看起来像大松球。A pineapple looks like a large pine cone.