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你怎么能容忍那个自大的糊涂虫呢?。How can you tolerate that pompous idiot ?

他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修辞。His prose is larded with pompous expressions.

他的散文夹杂着浮夸的修饰措辞。His prose is larded with pompous expressions.

他是个严酷的人,既自负又爱管闲事。He is a harsh man, at once pompous and officious.

他表面看来傲慢,但骨子是个好人。He appears pompous but he is a good man underneath.

她姑妈是个浮夸自负的胖老太太。Her aunt is a pompous and proud--and fat--old lady.

它的哲学是一种对实际的浮夸遁辞。Its philosophy was a pompous evasion of real things.

他常不招人待见,而且被看作是个自负的大傻帽儿。He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.

表演很难解释,因为它听起来总是华尔不实。Acting is hard to explain, because it always sounds pompous.

这个演说者在台上趾高气扬地来回走着。The pompous lecturer is strutting ago or toth over the stage.

不要使用三个或以上的浮夸牺牲探空了。DON'T use three or more at the expense of sounding too pompous.

它与过去相比更亲民,不那么傲慢了。and it's much more relevant and less pompous than it used to be.

那你怎么解释豪华官兵俱乐部以及情趣内裤用品店呢?How do you explain Sergeant Pompous and the Fancy Pants Club Band?

这时西扎就坐在那间巨大的办公室里面一张华而不实的扶手椅上。Seated in a pompous armchair in that grand office was Alvaro Siza.

当你沉迷在自己的世界里是会变成自信的或神秘的。You could become pompous or mystical when you are in over your head.

这种傲慢自大的人怎么可能节制我们的上帝情结呢?How can such pompous people be in charge of moderating our God complex?

有一天,备受人们说不喜,趾高气昂的印度外交部长V。One day, India's widely disliked, pompous foreign minister, the acerbic V.

她非常傲慢,总是很瞧不起乡下来的人。She is so pompous and always cocks a snook at people from the countryside.

事实上,一切顺心如意时,你应谦虚而非自大。In fact, when things go your way, you should be modest rather than pompous.

在某一章,他认为爱德华·吉布森和萨缪尔·约翰逊的风格是非常浮华的。In a chapter he regards Edward Gibbon and Samuel Johnson’s style as pompous.