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使用化学燃料火箭是多么的笨重。Chemical rockets are ponderous.

这个胖女人的体态很笨重。The fat woman’s movements were ponderous.

从他的眼中跌落,沉重的云撞击着他Fall from his eye, the ponderous shires crash on him

终于他从架上拽下那沉闷的罗马人。Finally down from its shelf he dragged the ponderous Roman.

这一次,小门并未被砰然关闭,而是被礼貌地掩上。Finally closing his book, with a bang of the ponderous cover.

不过,如此大而无当的控制只会败坏了奥运气氛。But ponderous attempts to keep control may dampen the Olympic mood.

最初我们被告知“,那个沉重的盾牌是坚厚而庞大的。So initially the ponderous shield is of an "ethereal temper," we are told.

布洛克哈特是一位个子高大,营养充足,持重谨慎的公司法律顾问。Brookhart was a large, well-FED, ponderous and cautious corporation lawyer.

美国外交官也责备墨西哥军队行动迟缓、惧怕风险。U. S. diplomats also fault the Mexican army for being ponderous and risk-averse.

遯翁笑容和语气里的顽皮,笨重得可以压坍楼板。The naughtiness in Tun-weng's smile and tone was ponderous enough to have caved in the floor.

年龄在18到24岁的大多数日本人还更喜欢无需负重大责任的轻松工作。A greater equilibrium of Japanese aged 18 to 24 too favored simple jobs without ponderous responsibility.

随着康宁顿的脚步声激起的回声也逐渐消失,大学士派席尔沉重地摇了摇头。As the echoes of Connington's footsteps faded away Grand Maester Pycelle gave a ponderous shake of his head.

联合国可能在下个月开始通过一项新制裁决议,这一过程会颇费周折。The ponderous process of adopting a new sanctions resolution at the UN will probably get under way next month.

然而,死星开足马力,其笨重的涡轮激光炮也无法跟踪灵活的义军战斗机。Yet for all its power, the Death Star's ponderous turbolaser cannons could not track the swift Rebel fighters.

使它那橡木大门上沉重的铁活的斑斑锈痕显得比新大陆的任何陈迹都益发古老。The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than any thing else in the New World.

在这“一次性时代”,收藏书,重读书就会被看作是一种错误,人们会觉得你落伍于高速发展的社会。In a disposable age, the book for keeping and rereading is an anachronism, a ponderous dinosaur in a high-speed society.

沉重的官方主题是互联网“作为革命的催化剂”,对维基解密和“阿拉伯春天”提供了很多赞同。The ponderous official theme was the internet “as a catalyst for change”, with a lot of nodding to WikiLeaks and the Arab spring.

而那个手持干草叉的老兄却仍然得照料这些体态笨拙的动物,因此古英语单词cow仍旧保留了它原来鲜活的叫法。But the guy with the pitchfork still had to manage these ponderous creatures and so the Old English name stuck to the live versions.

布雷克,或蓝波都是沉闷而敏感。普鲁斯特的限制在于他的纯真,他对于从外界吹进的风一无所知。Blake or Rimbaud are ponderous and touchy. Proust's limitation is his innocence, his ignorance of the winds that blow from the outside.

自打如诗停了差事之后,梳头的重任就落到了锦绣和素秋的身上。After hammer such as poem stopped go, the ponderous responsibility combing hair fell in rich brocade and the body in autumn of vegetable.