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一只小狮子狗。A tiny, tiny little poodle.

那只鬈毛狗又是叫又是咬。The poodle yapped and snap ped.

她收到一只长卷毛狗作为她的生日礼物。She got a poodle for her birthday.

卷毛狗是很多人都喜爱的宠物。The poodle is a popular house pet.

卷毛狗是很多人都爱的宠物。The poodle is a popular house pet.

日本新政府到底是狮子狗还是京巴?Japan's new government Poodle or Pekinese?

她干吗要精心打扮这个可怜的小家伙?Why does she want to poodle the poor kid up?

你希望把标准贵宾犬养在室内还是室外?Would your Standard Poodle be indoor or outdoor?

同时跻身前十名的还有狮子狗和西施犬。The Poodle and the Shih Tzu completed the top 10.

你看见过那些粉色被剪毛儿的贵妇犬么?Haven't you ever seen those stupid pink poodle cuts?

我们在农场,小狮子狗和我。And we're all over that farm, this little poodle and me.

拉布拉多贵宾狗是拉布拉多觅拾犬和贵宾狗的混种。A Labradoodle is a mix of Labrador retriever and a poodle.

接着奥布赖恩家的狮子狗来了,后来又来了一只陌生的牧羊狗。Next it was the O'Briens poodle and then a strange sheep dog.

对不起。咱家的狗和隔壁家的贵宾犬打架了。I'm sorry. Our dog got into a fight with the neighbor's poodle.

从一个标准的贵宾犬到玩物,这很容易做到。To go from a standard poodle to a toy, it's fairly easily done.

这位获奖的狮子狗是由普里西拉·普雷斯科特女士训练的。The prize-winning poodle was handled by Mrs. Priscilla Prescott.

一只黑色的标准型贵宾犬正等待参加青年训犬师表演赛。A black standard poodle waits for the Junior Showmanship division.

我不想被拍到在公园和她的狮子狗在散步。I don't want my picture taken walking in the park with her poodle.

而其他的品种象贵宾、沙皮犬就非常普遍。Others, however, like the Poodle and Lhasa Apso, have quite a large following.

布莱尔说,他已经习惯了别人嘲笑自己为布什的“哈巴狗”。Blair said he had learned to live with taunts of being Bush's "poodle" or "lapdog.