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回到旅馆后,我坐在泳池边,脑子里很多念头转来转去。My mind raced as I sat poolside back at the hotel.

我们能享受到阳光浴和池边鸡尾酒会。We can enjoy the sunbathing and poolside cocktails.

酒店餐厅供应地方菜肴和国际美食,池畔咖啡厅兼酒吧供应小吃。Hotel Can Bossa has a poolside buffet restaurant and a snack bar.

多巴哥一家小旅店的餐厅提供了一个泳池旁的座位。The dining room of a small hotel on Tobago offers a poolside seat.

客人可以在室外享受阳光或是在公寓内的用餐区享用餐食。Guests can relax under shady umbrellas on the poolside sun loungers.

在他清理泳池的时候,我上来在池边淋浴。I got out of the pool and stood under one of the poolside showers while he cleared up.

这个20英尺的显示屏安装在泳池边的柚木柜子中的自动升降系统上。The 20ft screen is mounted to an automated lift system beneath a teak bench located poolside.

在一层,开放布局的厨房和餐饮空间向泳池一侧的露台延伸。On the ground floor, an open-plan kitchen and dining space extends out onto a poolside terrace.

在上层,主人套房有一个玻璃转角,向池畔露台伸出。On the upper storey, a master suite with a glazed corner projects out over the poolside terrace.

儿童的游泳尿布要牢固的绑住,频繁更换,最好不要在池边换。Children's swim diapers should be secured tightly and changed frequently, preferably not poolside.

摄影师经常能拍到佩莱格里尼和马林在泳池边亲吻的镜头,就像马林和马纳多以前那样。Photographers regularly catch the couple kissing poolside , just as Manaudou and Marin used to do.

对很多人来说,一次夏威夷旅行可以带来一段充满日光浴和池边鸡尾酒的闲散日子。For many people, a Hawaii vacation promises languid days filled with sunbathing and poolside cocktails.

你可以想象下漂浮在泳池中或躺卧在泳池边看比赛、看电影,这将是多么惬意啊。Can you imagine how cool it'd be floating in the pool or lounging poolside watching the game or a movie?

一个男人牵着两匹母马在海滩上向我们招手,我劝说苏菲从泳池边上走开。A man with two white mares beckoned us from the beach. I persuaded Sophie to peel herself from the poolside.

在游泳池边吃小吃,辛苦工作一整天,在尼罗河里洗衣服。这些就是朱巴人的生活场景。Snacking by poolside. Putting in a hard day's work. Washing clothes in the Nile. These are the faces of Juba.

在沙滩上也有当地的小摊卖一些罐装或瓶装水,比酒店泳池边的吧里卖的便宜多了。Also on the beach are local stalls that sell cans and bottles of water for far less than the hotels poolside bars.

当玻璃墙被合上或旋转时,这种效果被放大,建立了完全开放的空间并与池畔露台相连接。This effect is exaggerated when the glass walls are retracted or rotate, creating entirely open spaces connected to the poolside terrace.

池畔烧烤提供专业喜欢巴哈马加勒比烧烤,海鲜,和“埃克苏马蓝,”酒店的招牌鸡尾酒。The poolside grill offers specialties like Bahamian barbecue, Caribbean jerk seafood, and the "Exuma Blue, " the resorts signature cocktail.

然后,通过水下和游泳池旁边的摄像机记录下运动员的动作,这些图像会传送到一台安装了该软件的计算机里。The swimmer is then videoed in action using underwater and poolside cameras, with the images fed into a computer equipped with the software.

“红宝石公主”是公主邮轮公司的最新邮轮,特色是池畔剧院及户外电影院。The newest member of the Princess Cruises fleet, the Ruby Princess features poolside theatres and the cruise line's signature outdoor cinema.