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果酱馅饼Pop tart.

没错!哥发的就是天王。The King Of Pop !

耳朵为什么感到胀痛?Why do you ears pop?

它不完全是电子乐。It's not totally pop.

她是流行歌曲的名歌星。She is a pop music fan.

东边往出冒大太阳。From the east, suns pop.

他的15尺急停跳投?His stop and pop from 15?

流行音乐几乎都是在鬼扯。Pop music is mostly crap.

她是流行歌曲的名歌星。She is a famous pop star.

拉克喜欢流行音乐。Larke likes the pop music.

突然就开在了花床或花盆上。Pop in the border or pots.

她正在唱一首流行歌。She is singing a pop song.

无弹窗的安全站。No pop the security station.

我只是想要挤一颗青春痘。I'm just trying to pop a zit.

朱丽非常喜欢流行音乐。Julie is mad about pop music.

瓶盖现在应该已经弹开了。The cap should pop right off.

你喜欢华文流行音乐吗?Do you like Chinese pop music?

我知道你做了烘肉卷,老爸。I know you made meatloaf, Pop.

他把打下的鹌鹑卖到集市上去。I went out to pop some quails.

所以你想成为一位流行男高音吗?SO YOU WANT TO BE A POP TENOR?