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波普是非决定论者吗?。Is K. Popper Non-determinist?

代表人物波普尔提出了证伪主义原则。Popper put forward the principle of falsifications.

实际上,波普的知识论与维特根斯坦的语言意义论具有相互补充的作用。Popper and the later Wittgenstein must be seen to be complementing one another.

一小时后,将肉块与汤水一起转移到炒锅内并转为中火。Transfer meat WITH cooking liquor into a cooking popper and turn to medium heat.

波普尔在批判封闭社会的基础上阐释其开放社会观。Popper interpreted the idea of his open society on the basis of criticizing closed society.

波普尔证伪主义方法论具有合理性和进步意义。Of course, the falsificationism methodology of Popper has rationality and progressive meaning.

如果波普尔是正确的,那么,科学理论不仅是同样不可证明的,而且是同样不可证伪的。If Popper is right, scientific theories are not only equally unprovable but also equally improbable.

波普尔强调了实验方法的逻辑,通过尝试去证伪它们来检验假设。Popper emphasizes the logic of experimentation, which tests hypotheses by attempting to falsify them.

蓝柏特、波柏和班克斯横跨科学与政策制定的世界。ROBERT J. LEMPERT, STEVEN W. POPPER and STEVEN C. BANKES straddle the worlds of science and policymaking.

波普尔在科学探索的目标问题上引入了“逼真性”和“逼真度”等概念。The property of closure to the truth, which is had by science theory, is named as"verisimilitude"by Popper.

班克斯、波柏和蓝柏特横跨科学与政策制定的世界。STEVEN C. BANKES, STEVEN W. POPPER and ROBERT J. LEMPERT and straddle the worlds of science and policymaking.

此外,他把塔尔斯基的真理理论作为逼真性概念的理论基础也是错误的。In addition, it is a mistake for Popper to take Tarski's truth theory as the basis of his concept of verisimilitude.

期盼藉由此一研究,能提供大提琴学习者作为选择练习曲之参考,并提升包佩于大提琴史上的重要性。It provides references for performer while choosing etudes and raises the status of Popper in the development of cello.

接着海森堡耐心地,偶尔略带教训地,向波普尔演示其假想试验的错误所在。Then Heisenberg patiently, and perhaps a bit patronizingly, demonstrates to Popper the mistake in his thought experiment.

在35℃、40℃两个温度处理下、发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数,生长速率均下降。High temperature treatment inhibited the germination of popper seeds after the eight vatitieties were placed at 35℃and 40℃.

所以,与那种流行的误解恰恰相反,波普尔实际上是一位科学至上论和唯科学主义的最强烈的批判者。Therefore, far from the popular misunderstandings, Karl Popper is actually the strongest critic of the supremacy of science and scientism.

需要提到的是,将可证伪性视为科学的性质之一的做法是哲学家卡尔·波普在20世纪30年代提出的。It should be noted that the idea of falsifiability as the definingcharacteristic of science originated with philosopher Karl Popper inthe 1930s.

逻辑实证主义的这一原则遭到了后来各流派、尤其是被称为“批判理性主义者”的波普的批判。"Verification Principle" is criticized by schools of thought of later periods, especially by Karl Popper who is known as a "critical-rationalist".

逻辑实证主义的这一原则遭到了后来各流派、尤其是被称为“批判理性主义者”的波普的批判。"Verification Positivism" is criticized by schools of thought of later periods, especially by Karl Popper who is known as a "critical-rationalist".

关于概念模糊的问题,哲学家卡尔·波普用一个更加专业的术语,进行了总结,他提出了“可证伪性“这个术语。The issue of vagueness is summarized in a more technical way by the philosopher Karl Popper who described--who introduced the term of falsifiability.