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这些奇怪的事件预示着什么?What do these strange events portend?

所有的这些预示着在不远的将来会发生什么呢?What does all this portend for the near future?

也许让人压根儿都想不到,这种独眼大笨蛋会启发新一代的机器人。Not, perhaps, a great portend for a new generation of robots.

这对未来的美国家庭意味着什么?What does this portend for the future of the American family?

这对于其未来的经济发展又有何预示?What does that portend for their future relative economic growth?

阴霾的天空预示着冰岛米瓦登湖上的船只面临着艰苦的一天。Overcast skies portend a rough day for boats on Iceland's Lake Myvatn.

自由主义的抬头对美国的未来预示着什么?What does the rise of libertarianism portend for the future of the US?

这样的服务,会不会在2012成为政府头疼的一件事?Could that portend something more challenging for the government in 2012?

更令人不安的是,她说,Google的搞得不好将可能对于未来的预警。More troubling, she said, is what Google’s flub may portend for the future.

一项新的研究发现,栩栩如生的恶梦能预知到半个世纪后的脑部紊乱。Vivid, violent dreams can portend brain disorders by half a century, a new study finds.

但是也被罗俊模牢牢盯上了,预示着今后的职场生活会很艰难。But also be Luo Junmo firmly locked in, portend the future career life will be very difficult.

这些云也许很漂亮,然而,它们有可能预示着由全球变暖引起的全球性变化。The clouds might be beautiful, but they could portend global changes caused by global warming.

华尔街金融危机预示着象NASA这样的被某些人视为豪奢的部门不会得到大笔的预算。The Wall Street crash does not portend big budgets for what some people see as a luxury agency like NASA.

过度自信能预示着将有新一轮的房屋供给出炉,从而威胁房价.The overconfidence could portend an onslaught of new supply of homes for sale that would threaten prices.

尽管这对于拉姆齐这些政治家而言是好消息,但对农场主却预示着灾难。And though that may be welcome news for politicians such as Mr Ramsey, it could portend disaster for farmers.

在世界其他地方,政治开放和经济改革的浪潮似乎预示着一个光明的未来。Elsewhere in the world, a flood tide of political opening and economic reform seemed to portend a bright future.

这些在今天来看相当重要,现代机器也能够识别基因从而对某种疾病进行高危预警。These are particularly important today as modern medicine is able to identify genes that portend high risk for certain diseases.

而且,冰川融化和积雪的减缩,预示着中国脆弱的周边地区如巴基斯坦北部的水资源短缺将更加恶化。Moreover, melting glaciers and shrinking snow packs portend severe water shortages in fragile border regions like northern Pakistan.

但是,一些官员担心近期一些显示吸入剂使用危险降低的调查报告会使青少年使用吸入剂的比例重新升高。However, some fear that recent surveys showing a drop in the perceived danger of inhalant use among teens may portend an increase in use.

如果我们不能照顾好我们一直努力拯救的物种,它可能预示着那些被我们所忽视的情况将更加严重。If we can't look after a species we've been trying so hard to save, it may portend even worse things for the ones we've been overlooking.