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即力的平衡。That comes out of postulate three.

我们假定她是一位厨师。Let’s postulate that she is a cook.

假设五中涉及到的,是些波尔的早期成就。And postulate number five is some of Bohr's early genius.

从假设3我们可以知道,牛顿力学在这儿是适用的。Out of postulate three it says Newtonian mechanics applicable.

如果你假设这个力的存在那就能解释一些现象了。If you postulate the force like that it explains the phenomena.

此外,还可以针对此类系统假设多种类型的攻击手段。One can also postulate several types of attack against such a system.

你到底为什么需要一个理论,你为什么设定任何一种信仰?Why do you want a theory at all, and why do you postulate any belief?

第一,我们必须假定灵魂存在,他们必须保有物质。First, we must postulate that if souls exist, they must have some mass.

你们可能感到惊讶,在我们的列举中没有玻恩的假设。You might be wondering about the absence from our list of the Born postulate.

张东荪认为知识是感相与格式以及设准等的产物。Zhang Dongsun thinks knowledge is the joint product of sense, form and postulate.

接下来,我要讲假设五。And then, for the next piece of information, I am going to go to postulate number five.

但是如果你不设定任何一种教条,那么你就与真实状况面对面了。But if you do not postulate any dogma, then you are face to face with what actually is.

他们似乎更愿意寻找任何可能的解释也不愿去假定存在这种新粒子。It seems that they would look for any explanation rather than postulate a new particle.

其他的理论则认为,是赫特人自己在远古的争斗中毁灭了瓦尔。Other theories postulate that the Hutts themselves destroyed Varl in some ancient conflict.

佛洛伊德要求已经成为最近心理治疗的主旨,或是前提。Freud's demand has become the leitmotiv or basic postulate of all the more recent forms psychotherapy.

作者推测,该并发症是由于牵开引起的肌肉损伤的副产物。The authors postulate that this complication is a by-product of muscle damage secondary to retraction.

所以,把这些都抛在一边以后,我们现在就能进入你所认定的这个婆罗门的核心问题中了。So, having brushed all that aside, we can now take up the central issue of Brahman, which you postulate.

所以,你们必须,在这些规定下,假定不同大小和地点的,冷却剂损失的事故。So you have to, under this rule, postulate several loss of coolant accidents of different sizes and locations.

每当回顾起那些日子,我们都会发现人们真的有多么多么地不愿意去接受一种新粒子。When one thinks back to these days, one finds that it is really remarkable how unwilling people were to postulate a new particle.

正如我前面所假定的那样,版本工程学需要获得上述支持从而执行命令来强迫执行一致性。As I postulate above, Release Engineering needs support from above to enable them to carry out the mandate to enforce consistency.