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般若,是人生最真实的宝藏。Prajna is our greatest treasure.

有佛法的地方就有般若。Where there is Dharma, there is prajna.

行深般若波罗蜜多时Was coursing in the deep Prajna Paramita

行深般若波罗蜜多时。Was coursing in the deep Prajna Paramita.

财富有善有恶,般若则无有不善。Money can be good or bad, but prajna is always good.

南无摩诃般若波罗密。是大明咒。Namo Maha Prajna Paramita, a great spiritual mantra.

由禅定而生智慧,就是般若。Wisdom is born of Chan samadhi, and this wisdom is Prajna.

唯识和般若有何不同?What is the Difference between Consciousness Only and Prajna?

可是,很多人都被这种教法影响,他们相信这就是佛的智慧。Yet people have been tricked into believing that this is the Buddha's Prajna.

般若波罗蜜多,是明灯,能指引迷航的水手。Prajna Paramita is a sword that can cut out unnecessary tangling and involving!

般若波罗蜜多,是良药,能医治一切的疑难杂症。Prajna Paramita is magic medicine that cures all kinds of puzzling and incurable diseases!

求财富,不如求般若财富有善有恶,般若则无有不善。Better to cultivate prajna than wealth. Money can be good or bad, but prajna is always good.

所以,假如有新入佛门的人,关于佛的智慧问题,有这样不正确认识的话,那麽他们当然会相信守戒是不重要的。It makes perfect sense that someone with such a notion of Prajna would think that precepts are unimportant.

僧肇把“般若”描写成圣智,可是他又说圣智实际上是无知。Prajna is described by Seng-chao as Sage-knowledge, but, he says, this Sage-knowledge is really not knowledge.

般若波罗蜜多,是罗盘,是生死大海中不可或缺的仪器。Prajna Paramita is a compass that works as an indispensable instrument sailing in the ocean of birth and death!

透过般若智慧,就能知道这些都是妄想,外面一切境界都是虚妄不实的。Through prajna wisdom, we will realize that these are all delusions, that all external phenomena are delusive and have no true substance.

观自在菩萨行甚深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空。When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are all empty.

魏晋时期,佛学般若学与中国美学的历史交遇,是促成中国美学体系发生深刻转型的重要动因。The historical encounter of Buddhism Prajna and Chinese Esthetics was the crucial point that caused the Chinese Esthetic System a profound turn in Wei-Jin era.

大殿后院正中,屹立着铁铸宝鼎一尊,是1984年般若寺主持和众弟子所铸,上面铸有“般若讲寺”四个大字。Basilica backyard center, is lined with a Tiezhu bonding Zhongxin, 1984 Ban Ruosi Suozhu disciple of the public and, above casting a " Prajna Temple said" four Chinese characters.

能做好事就是「般若手」,慈眼视人就是「般若眼」,能言好话就是「般若口」,胸怀大众就是「般若心」。Doing good, you have prajna hands. Seeing with compassion, you have prajna eyes. Praising others, you have prajna tongue. Embracing the multitude in your thought, you have prajna mind.