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一个人能从梦中预感将来。In dreams one may presage the future.

根据某些迹象,我们可以预告酷热和下雨。By certain signs we may presage of heats and rains.

它们可能还预示着新一轮的降价。They may also presage a new period of declining prices.

黄鼠狼和猫成亲,这是一个危险的兆头。When the weasel and cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage.

但新闻产业如今面临的困境并不预示着新闻的终结。Yet the plight of the news business does not presage the end of news.

德国人认定,在路上碰到了烟囱清扫工,便预示着一天要交好运。German finds that, in the road, the chimney sweepers, they presage a day good luck.

那一天,北京的天空中飞扬着柳絮,如雪,亦如我所追寻的预言。On that day, catkins were flying in the air of Beijing, like snow, also like the presage in my pursuit.

在那场伟大的斗争中所展示的天资和美德无疑已经预示了其后发生的一切。The talents and virtues which were displayed in that great struggle were a sure presage of all that has since followed.

农民们相信,这样高调的承诺将预示着更多的援助。Like many of her neighbours, Fang Yue-ling, a farmer, was confident such high-profile promises would presage more assistance.

但那并不必然预示着商品物价的崩盘,他们辩护说,这要归因于像中国那样的新兴市场正在提供无穷无尽的强大需求。But that does not necessarily presage a collapse in commodity prices, they argue, thanks to enduringly strong demand from emerging markets such as China.

马丁的离职重要且具历史意义,但可能也预示着这一职位会有所改变,英国公众对这个职位并不甚熟悉。Martin's departure is therefore momentous and historic, but may also presage changes to the post, one with which the British public is largely unfamiliar.

抱歉,突如其来的变化防不胜防,毫无预兆,我们多么希望这笔交易能够成功,但是这都不能由我方来决定,盼复,敬候佳音。We are sorry that the change took place without any presage. We do hope the transaction can be successfully concluded, but we are not in a position to decide.

在当今信息时代,时空观、价值观、军事观、语言观的变化预示着一种新的思维方式的出现。In the current information age, changes in spatial-temporal concept, values, military concept, and language views presage the emergence of a new thinking pattern.

用该指标定义的南海夏季风建立的预兆日期与用传统天气气候学方法确定的南海夏季风的来临日期,在绝大多数具体年份两者均很接近,故可作南海夏季风建立的先兆指标。We apply the concept and method developed in part I of this paper to determine the presage day and the onset day of summer monsoon in South China Sea region for every particular year.

早在绘画历程的初始,廖继春即追求绘画主题精神性的表现,对于内在本质的关注似乎也预示了艺术家在1960年代朝向抽象领域发展的倾向。Even early in his career, Liao sought to project the emotional qualities of his subjects, a focus on their inner nature that here seems to presage his turn toward abstractionism in the 1960s.