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你们做一个短的陈述即可。You give a short presentation.

甄妮的报告做的怎么样?How does Jenny's presentation go?

我很担心这次报告。I'm worried about the presentation.

她的推销术是一流的。Her sales presentation was top-notch.

最后,考虑一下你的陈述。Finally, think about your presentation.

请开初你的简报。Pcharter proceed with your presentation.

他的工作汇报进行得很顺利。His presentation at work went really well.

幻灯片是你所创建简报的再现。Slides are the images of your presentation.

演示文稿将以幻灯片模式显示。The presentation will be in slideshow mode.

他们必须实现呈现层。They must implement the presentation layer.

你表达得太不认真。You're too slipshod about your presentation.

明天的业务发表会怎样?How's tomorrow's business presentation going?

女王将亲手赠送礼品。The Queen will make the presentation herself.

这个设备是为了演示会安装的。The equipment is set up for the presentation.

谷歌的损益表采用了普通的列报方式。The presentation Google uses is quite common.

最常表现的是以单一病灶为最多。Single lesion is the most common presentation.

授奖仪式在一个午宴上进行。The presentation was to be made at a luncheon.

你的口头报告结果如何?What was the result of your oral presentation?

最佳的整洁和互动式的演示。Clean and interactive presentation at its best.

在放映时规定回放顺序。Defines the playback order during presentation.