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如何鉴定它一直是争论的焦点,是啮齿类异或灵长类?Is it a rodent? A primate?

有点像最早开始进化的始祖鸟。This is like the Archaeopteryx of primate evolution.

懒猴是世界上唯一有毒的灵长类动物。The slow loris is the world's only poisonous primate.

诱导无月经灵长类动物发生内膜异位症。Induction of endometriosis in a non-menstruating primate.

坎特伯雷大主教被称为全英总主教。The Archbishop of Canterbury is called the Primate of All England.

在新加坡动物园里面,我非常喜欢建造领证了动物世界的部分。In the Singapore Zoo I really liked developing the Primate Kingdom.

灵长类动物的指甲相当于其它动物的蹄爪。Nails are the primate equivalent of hooves and claws on other animals.

狮子鼻猴子是在危险的大主教种类之中在亚洲。Snub-nosed monkeys are among the most endangered primate species in Asia.

下一步,雷卡斯将研究其他灵长类的物种,如巴诺布猿。The next step, Rekers said, is to study other primate species, such as bonobos.

所以你不会在哺乳动物身上找到羽毛,或是在灵长类动物身上找到鳃。For this reason, you won’t ever find feathers on a mammal or gills on a primate.

展现在我们眼前的是这只小灵长类动物样貌的完美细节。Right before our eyes is exquisite detail of what the little primate looked like.

上次我们讨论了人类是如何成为唯一直立行走的万物之灵的。Last time we discussed how human beings are the only primate that walks on two feet.

少数的房屋不属于任何教会,并且直接受住持灵长类动物。A few houses belong to no congregation and are directly subject to the abbot primate.

在此项案例中,被实验的动物是狐猴,这是一种与猴子,猿有关的灵长目动物。In this case, the animals were lemurs –a type of primate related to monkeys and apes.

你越端详艾达,就越能想像萌芽中的灵长类动物,艾达可以说就是萌芽中的灵长类动物。The more you look at Ida the more you can picture, as it were, the primate in embryo.

红毛猩猩是现存亚洲最大的灵长类动物,也是最大的居住在树上的哺乳类动物。The orangutan is the largest Asian primate and also the largest tree-dwelling mammal.

近日,一棵有着强劲支持率的系统树解决了灵长类一直未解决的分类学问题。A robust new phylogenetic tree resolves many long-standing issues in primate taxonomy.

Marx说,他是杜兰灵长类中心的一个病毒学家和科学杂志的论文作家。Marx, a virologist at the Tulane primate center and an author of the paper in Science.

其余8枚标本与任何已知的东亚更新世灵长类都对不上号。The remaining eight specimens did not fit with any known east Asian Pleistocene primate.

迄今为止,用同样方法克隆猴子或其他灵长类动物的尝试均以失败告终。So far, efforts to clone a monkey or another primate with the same techniques have failed.