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铁路穿越原始森林。The railway cuts through a primeval forest.

他们穿行于原始森林之中。They needled their way through a primeval forest.

特有的原始景观,没开发过的。The landscape is uniquely primeval and rather undeveloped.

这条小路婉蜒伸入神秘的原始森林之中。It straggled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest.

这条小路蜿蜒伸入神秘的原始森林之中。It straggled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest.

这个危险而朦胧的原始世界已经深深地震撼了他的心灵,烙印在他的灵魂中。The danger and excitement of the primeval world suffuses his soul.

在大片的原始森林中,有很多珍禽异兽。In the vast primeval forest, there are many rare birds and unusual animals.

黄龙有独一无二的自然美景,丰富的自然资源和原始森林。Huang Long has unique scenery, rich natural resources and a primeval forest.

去那儿呼吸独特的清爽空气,享受那里原始时代的纯静湖泊。Go there for unique and salubrious air, to enjoy the primeval purity of tarns.

在男人与山之间似乎存在某种宏大的原始联系。There seems to be some majestic primeval connection between a man and a mountain.

在原始时代,我们的祖先通过喊叫和手势来交流。In primeval times our ancestors communicate by a simple system of shouts and gestures.

但两轮实地挖掘,一点关于原始印加帝王的线索都没找到,让他十分郁闷。To his bewilderment, two field seasons of digging turned up no trace of primeval Inca lords.

她拒绝接受克洛维提出的参加原始舞会的诱惑性的建议。She refused to fall in, however, with Clovis's tempting suggestion of a primeval dance party.

所以我不再提起王蛇,或原始森林,或星星。Then I would never talk to that person about boa constrictors, or primeval forests, or stars.

这里密集的峰丛耸入云天,山峰上原生性森林密布,山腰云雾缭绕。The dense peaks erect up high, decorated with primeval forests and embraced by clouds and fog.

我就不和他谈巨蟒呀,原始森林呀,或者星星之类的事。Then I would never talk to that person about boa constrictors , or primeval forests, or stars.

1906年毕加索受到非洲原始雕刻和塞尚绘画影响,而转向一种新画风的探索。Influenced by primeval African sculpture, Picasso began to explore a new painting style in 1906.

在箭竹海旁的停车站,我们乘车直接前往终点站原始森林。At the bus station beside the arrow bamboo lake, we took the bus to the primeval forest directly.

不,这只不过是坐落于澳大利亚东海岸的豪勋爵岛典型的原始风貌。No, just a typically primeval slice of Lord Howe Island, located off the east coast of Australia.

他们用系统的、独创的方法来解开人类相互吸引的原始秘密。They approach the primeval mystery of human attraction with a systematic and almost Promethean hand.