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什么是一个"很可能"的年轻男子What is a probable young man?

我不认为这个故事合情理。I don't think the story is probable.

下霜是可能的,虽然可能性不大。Frost is possible, though not probable.

成功是有可能的,但把握性不大。Success is possible, but hardly probable.

梁先生大概不会来了。It is probable that Mr. Liang will not come.

这个最可能的地方就是a0And the most probable one here is that a nought.

由于具有推测性,故结论是或然性的。Because of the quality of guess, it is probable.

我们明知故犯地毁坏了一处可能的历史遗迹。We knowingly altered a Probable Historical Site.

现在看来,那工人和白先生很可能是同一个人。It now seemed probable that that workingman and M.

警告优先方式声波振动是可能的。WARNING-First mode acoustic vibration is probable.

现在你不问青红皂白把我拖来这里?。And now you drag me in here with no probable cause?

也许最佳的答案是对五种方法采取兼收并蓄的态度。Probable the best answer is a synthesis of all five.

而且他还说着好像是我们没有可能的起因。And he's saying things like we got no probable cause.

这听起来并非不可能。This was not as im- probable a proposal as it might sound.

所以,我们的理性思维让我们发现这些可能的联系。So our reasons enable us to see these probable connections.

该项研究纳入了84名确诊或者可能的ARVD患者。The study included 84 patients with definite or probable ARVD.

“或然性”观点认为,我们能够得到的都是可能的东西。A probable argument is where we all can achieve is probability.

还有均匀分布,每个值都有相同的可能性。Or it could be uniform, where every value was equally probable.

一个未知结果隐藏的运算法则,纸牌上的数字跳起了舞。The hidden law of a probable outcome. The numbers lead a dance.

不过这笔交易很可能另有所图,但加兰并未提及。But Mr Galán did not mention the more probable driver of the deal.