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悲剧之子。The prodigal son.

五月里百花盛开。May is prodigal with flowers.

浪子回头已经太迟。The prodigal son is too late.

爱钱如命的爸爸生个儿子挥霍钱财。A miserly father makes a prodigal son.

美国人真的是挥金如土吗?Is it true that Americans are prodigal ?

有吝啬父亲必有败家儿子。To an avaricious father, a prodigal son.

看哪,我这最后的疑虑是错了!Yet prodigal inward joy. Behold, I erred.

浪子回头金不换。A prodigal who returns is more precious than gold.

他们张开双臂来欢迎浪子回头。They welcomed the prodigal son home with open arms.

浪子回头的故事是一个很好的比喻。The story of the Prodigal Son is a very good parable.

看,酒商们正在蓊蓊郁郁的葡萄藤下钻来钻去呢。Even now the vintners are prowling the prodigal vines.

老人缎盔了与他的不肖儿赜赌关系-并炳夺了他的继逞权。The man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him.

自然界虽富于变化却吝于革新。Nature is prodigal in variety, but niggard in innovation.

关系,并剥夺了他的继承权。The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him.

他亦利用浪子回头比喻中父亲的榜样来训导我们。He also taught us the example of the Father in the Prodigal Son.

杰克,浪子回家,你准备宰杀那头小。Are you going to kill the fatted calf for the prodigal son, Jack?

他们只是不可能像你服务的那些奢侈品牌一样不惜成本挥霍无度。They just can't be as prodigal as the luxury brands you work for.

浪子才一米六,她却吹嘘成其貌不扬。Prodigal only one meter six, she was touted as nothing to boast about.

后主是历史上的昏君,也是感情上的浪子。His calligraphy is the history headed, but also emotional prodigal son.

老爸经常赌博,典型的那种无钱拜神,有钱败家的主。Dad often gambling, typical kind of money worship, rich prodigal master.