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与心理医生谈话是解除他许多忧虑和深藏的愤怒的方法。Talking to a psychotherapist was a way of unburdening himself of a lot of worries and buried anger.

如果这些方法都没有用,你仍然感觉到自己有压力,那就去见一个专业顾问或心理咨询师。If none of these tricks work and you still find yourself stressed, see a professional counselor or psychotherapist.

他发现一名心理治疗师在旁边监督他与代理的工作,并让代理从洛杉矶飞往他那里。He found a psychotherapist near him to supervise his work with a surrogate, and flew the surrogate out from Los Angeles.

暗示教学法是保加利亚心理治疗学家洛扎诺夫根据心理治疗的一些原则提出的一种教学法。The Suggestive Method , based on certain principles of psychotherapy , was proposed by G. Lozanov , a Bulgarian psychotherapist.

通过观察一个人的性爱好和行为,受过培训的精神治疗师和诊断师可以了解到病人的很多情况。By observing one’s sexual predilections and acts, the trained psychotherapist and diagnostician can learn a lot about the patient.

在澳大利亚的研究中,参与其中的一名科学家采用精神治疗法的阿伦.米拉医生说第六感并不神秘。One of the scientists involved in the Australian research, psychotherapist Alan Meara, said sixth sense wasn't a magical occurrence.

作家兼心理治疗学家盖尔林登费尔德向你揭示了下列可能对你的孩子的健康成长具有持久影响的正确方法。Author and psychotherapist Gael Lindenfield shows how pressing the right buttons can make a lasting contribution to your child's wellbeing.

“一个正确的时间和地点是让雄性发情的重要条件。”纽约精神治疗师布兰达·索珊娜博士如是说。作为。" Time and space are crucial to getting a man to emote. ", says Brenda Shoshanna, Ph. D. , a psychotherapist in New York City and author of.

你的医生,健康护理从业者或精神治疗师将帮助你确定最好的治疗方案,去帮助你再次感觉到强壮和健康。Your doctor, health care practitioner or psychotherapist will help you determine the best course of action to have you feel strong and well again.

纽约市的心理治疗师维斯塔·卡兰德也同意说,性别与撒谎无关,但男人和女人撒谎的方式各不相同。Vesta Callender, psychotherapist in New York City, also agrees that one’s gender does not play a role in lying, but men and women do lie differently.

比利时心理治疗师2000年定居北京,在做心理咨询治疗的同时,还为中国大学提供专业培训或讲座。Belgian psychotherapist Michel Claeys has been in Beijing since 2000, working as a counselor, lecturing and offering trainings in Chinese universities.

最主要的是—在严重的情伤治疗中,这是首要的,有时候甚至是唯一需要的东西。Best of all – this is the first, and sometimes only, requirement in deep emotional healing. The psychotherapist William DeFoore gives a beautiful example.

然而心理学家强调,药物注射及与心理治疗师交谈不过是个开始,因为恋童癖是种慢性病。Psychiatrists stress, however, that a few injections of medication and some sessions with a psychotherapist are just the beginning. Pedophilia is a chronic disorder.

迈克尔·牛顿博士是一个传统的精神治疗医师,他反对前世生活回归这项工作,就是顾客在无意识状态下进入一种似乎是回归到前世的状态。Dr. Michael Newton was a traditional psychotherapist opposed to past life regression work when a client spontaneously entered what seemed like a past life regression.

但是像康涅狄格州的心理治疗师以及精神病学系讲师宾尼克莱因这样的专家认为另一种的恋爱关系正在增加。But experts like Binnie Klein, a Connecticut-based psychotherapist and lecturer in Yale's department of psychiatry, agree that alternative relationships are on the rise.

如果你试了以上15条提示,还是解决不了问题,就该咨询专家。联系专门从事睡眠治疗的医生或者心理学专家。If you are doing all 15 suggestions above and still have sleep problems, it's time to call a professional. Contact a physician or psychotherapist who specializes in sleep.

伦敦大奥蒙德街医院的儿童与青春期青少年心理治疗顾问尼尔奥斯汀表示,在健全的家庭中长期说谎与秘密是普遍现象。Neil Austin, a consultant child and adolescent psychotherapist at Great Ormond Street hospital in London, says that chronic lying and secrets are rife in dysfunctional families.

我的同事,肯•毛平,是一位现任的心理师,曾经谘商过许多行业中具有高度表现性格的人士,包括商界、宗教和运动员。Ken Maupin, a practicing psychotherapist and colleague, has built his practice on working with high-performance personalities, including leaders in business, religion and sports.