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她快乐地咕噜咕噜叫。She purred a happy purr.

我能滚球还能咕噜咕噜叫。I can roll a ball and I can purr.

我身后烟尘,我国黑猫,开始发出喉音。Behind me Soot, my black cat, started to purr.

这无疑已帮助这只“凯尔特之虎”再度抖擞精神。No doubt this has helped the Celtic Tiger purr again.

这种喵呜实际上是猫儿得意时的叫声,但是混合了高频率的哭泣声。This meow is actually a purr mixed with a high-pitched cry.

点击这个猫使它发声音,然后点灰姑娘。Stroke the cat to make it purr then click on the Cinderella.

幼猫在几天大的时候就学会发出呼噜声了。Kittens learn how to purr when they are a couple of days old.

随后它便缩回爪子,适应地依偎在我的怀抱里并发出呜呜的叫声。Then he retracted them, settled into my embrace and began to purr.

与其他的大型猫科动物不同的是,猎豹豹并不咆哮,而是发出咕噜咕噜的猫叫声。Cheetahs do not roar, as the other big cats do. Instead, they purr.

有些人会在机器的轰隆声中找到美,而有些人会在婴儿的笑声中找到美。Some find beauty in the purr of an engine, others find it in a baby’s laugh.

书上说,小琋发出的咕噜声大半是表示感到高兴满足。According to the book, Lucy's purr signifies the feeling of happy and content.

我又以个人名义向病人做了最后的道别,而奥斯卡还是坐在那里,呐呐地叫着。I said a private goodbye to my patient. Oscar continued to sit there and purr.

手推车迟缓的咿呀声从街上传来,与我昏昏欲睡的心态何其吻合。The carts in the street purr slow, distinct sounds in seeming accord with my drowsiness.

这人的声音是低沉柔和的咕噜声,就像打开导弹发射舱发出来的声音一样低沉柔和。His voice was a low soft purr, like the low soft purr made by the opening of an ICBM silo.

有时你可能没把握好自己的力度,还是柔声细语,小鸟依人一点吧。You may not realize your own strength at times, so dial that roar down to a soft, sexy purr.

我听到车轮防滑链的拍打声,雨刷费劲地急速摆动发出的刺耳声音,引擎低沉的声音。I heard the slap of the chains, the stiff, jerky rasp of the wipers , the purr of the engine.

老虎吧,看起来真大,既有点娘娘腔,又有点软绵绵,它们的喉咙会发出颤音,听着就像有一列货车开过。Tigers really are as big and poofy and soft as they look, and they purr like a freight train going by.

我还可以看着某种动物的胚胎告诉你它以后最大的本能是狂吠还是发出咕噜声。You can tell if an animal’s greatest fulfillment will be to bark or purr by just looking at its embryo.

其它夜食动物如麝香猫、獴和土狼也偶尔发出这种声音。Other nocturnal solitary predators such as civets, mongooses and even hyenas are known to purr occasionally.

尽管可能没有没有闹钟那么叮玲玲玲,猫咪仍然可以用它那恳求的呜噜呜噜声,把主人从睡梦中磨醒。Although perhaps not as jolting as an alarm clock, a cat's "soliciting purr" can still pry its owner from sleep.