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但是窘境也出现了。But here’s the quandary.

对大多数开发人员来说,该陷阱会引起困惑。This pitfall causes a quandary for most developers.

这纠结的结果可让美国的各路专家们犯了难。This muddled outcome puts America's pundits in a quandary.

西班牙的巴塞罗那------时尚手机制造商的困惑。BARCELONA, Spain — It is the modern phone maker's quandary.

如果这是真的,那就真的在道德上陷入两难的境地。If that's true, that would add a whole new ethical quandary.

二人同时拉拢珍妮帮忙,令珍妮左右为难。Two people at the same time draw Jenny help, Jenny in a quandary.

圣安东尼奥大坝显得更加环保,让环保主义者左右为难。Santo Antonio's greener look puts environmentalists in a quandary.

我的一天不可避免的伴随着玉米片从一系列的道德窘境开始。My day inevitably begins with a serious moral quandary involving Corn Flakes.

您会面临供和需哪一个先实现的困惑。You are faced with the quandary of supply and demand -- Which will come first?

这本书是专为那些陷入某种困境、却仍怀有激情的人们而写的。The book is aimed at people who are in some kind of quandary. People with passion.

我们把自然律的缺陷揭穿了,把自然律的运用给人类的窘迫看明白了。We uncover the defects of natural laws, and see the quandary that man is in by their operation.

在这样的窘境中,我忽然想到当初那个问题的答案。It occurred to me that in the midst of this quandary my own primal question had finally been answered.

但有时我也会感到困惑,就像那句古老的谚语所说的,一个团体是否强大取决于在整个环节中最薄弱环节的力量是否强大。My quandary emphasizes that old adage that the whole is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain.

因此目前对于医生和患者来说,依析替林的有效性和安全性依然是个问题。For the interim doctors and patients are left with a quandary as to the efficacy and safety of ezetimibe.

如何把新客户吸引到你的产品和网站上许多企业不断遇到的窘境,无论企业是大是小。How to attract new customers to your product and website is the constant quandary of many businesses, small or large.

越来越多迹象表明,在如何调节经济这个问题上,中国政府领导人正处于举棋不定的境地。There are increasing signs that the Chinese government’s leadership is in a quandary about what to do with the economy.

虽然这一说法尚未有定论,它已让希望敲定奥运会相关计划的广告客户陷入了进退两难的境地。With all its uncertainties, the flap has advertisers in a quandary as they put finishing touches on their Olympic plans.

本文旨在解决GCI所面临的人力资源管理困境,并为小企业的人力资源管理工作提供一个参考。This thesis aims to solve the quandary of GCI's Human ResourceManagement, and can be as the reference of small enterprises too.

如果我们把每一天都当成生命中的最后一天来过,唯一的困惑会是如何找出时间向足够多的人表达爱意。If we lived every day as the last day of our lives, the only quandary would be how to find the time to shower love on enough people.

这需要经济各部门携起手来,共同帮助那些因失业而面临无家可归的人。It is a quandary that will require help for the overall economy to aid people who slide into homelessness because they lose their jobs.