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完美就像流沙一样。Perfection is quicksand.

你不会陷入流沙。You cannot sink into quicksand.

就这样,我们陷入了决策困难的流沙。And so we get mired in decision-making quicksand.

通常把快速流动的沙叫做流砂。Sand under quick condition is often called quicksand.

高傲自大是成功的流沙。Supercilious and self-conceited is the quicksand of success.

塞拉和伯杰因此提出了流沙的比喻This leads Sela and Berger to elaborate on their quicksand metaphor

如果你尝试地去踩上它,那么你的脚会开始下沉,好像踏进了流沙。Try and step on them and your foot will start sinking like in a quicksand.

Forterre解释道,植物液体弹性密度也和流沙差不多。The elastic consistency of the plant fluid also makes it resemble quicksand.

我是女王,但是我的王座由焦骨制成,坐落于流沙之上。A queen I am, but my throne is made of burned bones, and it rests on quicksand.

上帝救他脱离痛苦与苦难的流砂,使他的脚立在磐石上。He rescued him from the quicksand of affliction and suffering and set his feet on solid rock.

沙子当然是松散的泥土,但如果没有经受水涝的话,它们还不会变成流沙。Sand is of course loose soil but unless water logged will not act like quicksand in this regard.

蛤蚌的运动使得它周围的沙子形成一种流体---本质上是流沙。The clam’s movements turn the sand around the creature into more of a fluid—basically quicksand.

你要是喝得晕乎乎的可别晚上开车到这里来,有些地方的泥土会像流沙似的把你吸进去。You don't want to drive here on a dark night if The mud sucks you down like quicksand in places.

只有风还在空气中低吟着,留下飘渺的流沙以作时光祭。Only the wind is still in the air with low moans, leaving featherweight quicksand to make time offering.

所以,中国经济那只鸭是建立在可持续发展的基础上,或者那是一堆流沙?So is the duck on which Chinese economy is built on sustainable fundamentals or is it a pile of quicksand?

电子乐的微妙感觉表露无遗,尤其像是流沙穿过沙漏的声音似的。The subtle electronic touches work well too, especially on the filtered beat box sound that opens Quicksand.

在梦中,我们常常发现自己在公共场合赤身裸体,或正被人追杀,或与敌人搏斗,或在流沙中下沉。In dreams, we often find ourselves naked in public, or being chased, or fighting an enemy, or sinking in quicksand.

我国江河湖库众多,海域辽阔,需要进行不断的整治、清理淤泥和流沙工作。There are many rivers and lakes, widely sea area in our nation. Many of them need to be clean up mud and quicksand.

你要是喝得晕乎乎的可别晚上开车到这里来,有些地方的泥土会像流沙似的把你吸进去。You don't want to drive here on a dark night if you're a bit tiddly. The mud sucks you down like quicksand in places.

你要是喝得晕乎乎的可别晚上开车到这里来,有些地方的泥土会像泥沙似的把你吸进去。You don’t want to drive here on a dark night if you’re a bit tiddly. The mud sucks you down like quicksand in places.