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第二大问题是华盛顿的现状。The second problem is the status quoin Washington, DC.

我开始在遗憾的世界寻找着完美的角落。I start in the regrettable world to seek the perfect quoin.

也许是时候把它们都保存起来。存封在记忆的角落。Perhaps is the time all preserves them. Saves seals in the memory quoin.

孔和通气,让我们比较总冠军现状的方法。Condorcet and IRV let us compare the overall winner with the status quoin that way.

信息技术已经渗入到现代企业管理的每个角落。The information technology already permeated the modern business management each quoin.

第一部分是对当前中学古诗文的教学现状进行分析,从教师、学生、教材三个方面来谈。The first part of this paper analyses the status quoin such respects as teachers, students and textbooks.

在这种情况下,中国必然要坚守希望保持他在朝鲜的既有地位。Givensuch scenarios, China may choose to cling to the hope that it can maintain the status quoin North Korea.

其中,皇后砌法砌在墙角丁砖的旁边以破坏垂直汇集点的连贯性。In this , the queen closer is placed next to the quoin header to break the continuity of the vertical joints.

其中重点介绍了激光消融法制备纳米颗粒、纳米纤维、纳米薄膜的原理和现状。The emphases are laser ablation principle and status quoin fabrication of nano-particle, nano-fibre, nano-thin film.

对于许多跨国公司来说,新规定将会使透明度和可预测性的现状有所改善。For many multinationals, the new rules will be an improvement on the status quoin terms of clarity and predictability.

只有迁移中的鸟类具有这样的随机性载体,它们可以自由地飞行到地球的每一个角落。The author thought that, Only in the migration birds have such randomcarrier, they may freely fly to Earth's each quoin.

而这只会保持现状,让我们疲于应付,并造成局势缓慢恶化。But this would simply maintain a status quoin which we muddle through, and permit a slow deterioration of conditions there.

文章简要介绍了家用纺织品的定义,以及我国家纺产品的发展现状,并针对家用纺织品行业的发展趋势进行了分析。The Concept of household textiles is introduced, as well as the status quoin our county. The development trend is analysed.

在海域使用权争议解决前,任何一方不得改变海域使用现状。Prior to the settlement of the dispute, none of the parties may change the status quoin respect of the use of the sea areas.

结合中职教育的现状提出个人的看法,为以后的数控技能教学提供了新的思路和策略。Vocational Education with the status quoin personal opinion, teaching skills for the future of NC provides new ideas and strategies.

此外,并透过整理分析全国各县市实际执行之现况,探讨该制度所面临的问题与挑战。This article also discusses the problems and challenges of the system by arranging and analyzing the status quoin all of the countries.

几经周折,英国先后与意大利签订了关于地中海西部维持原状的宣言和英意协定。After a good deal of bother Britain signed a declaration with Italy maintaining the status quoin the area west of the Mediterranean Sea.

介绍了中国人力资源开发的现状,并结合系统态变的一般规律预想其发展前景。At the same time, the article introduces HRD status quoin China, and expects its development foreground with the law of systemic state change.

由于地域性是旅游发展的一个固有特征,可以看出,这种转向具有十分重要的意义。Fist of all, this paper mainly studies the tourism development to the status quoin order to find the main problems in the Penglai and Changdao area.

主要介绍了制度的相关背景、制定以及试点的内容和情况。It states the background, its constituting of the hortation and assist system and the experimental contents and status quoin the experimental units.