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皮质中动脉和皮质深动脉可见喷泉样分支。There were some fountain-like rami in the middle and deep cortical branches.

拉米•阿德汗出生在阿勒颇,但在1989年和家人移居芬兰。Rami Adhman was born in Aleppo, but moved to Finland with his family in 1989.

“普通观点认为,如果你花的钱越多,就会买到更好的鞋,”RamiJ.“The perception is that if you pay more, you will get better shoes,” said Rami J.

曼联同样准备与利物浦和阿森纳争夺里尔后卫安迪尔-拉米。Manchester United are set to rival Liverpool and Arsenal for Lille defender Adil Rami.

他们审视Rami和Chris的作品并提问到我觉得他们俩都要因为压力和疲劳崩溃了.They probed and interrogated Rami and Chris until I thought both would collapse from stress and fatigue.

目的探讨下位胸神经后支卡压对腰部疼痛的影响及治疗方法。Objective To explore the curative method of the lumbago caused by the entrapment of the thoracic nerves dorsal rami.

拉米?沙班和泰勒也因为受伤缺席,现在18岁的年轻小将霍利维将在替补席上待命。Rami Shaaban and Stuart Taylor are also also out, so 18-year-old goalkeeper Craig Holloway takes his place on the bench.

拉米·科恩每次都会出现在这个“家庭主父”参加的亲子活动班中,他说,虽然很分散精力,他还是很喜欢做一名全职父亲。Rami Cohen is a regular at the stay-at-home dads playgroup1. He says he loves being a full-time dad, though it divides his attention.

利用放射性生物微球技术,测定了幼年组和成年组狗下颌升支的血流分布情况。Blood flow distributions of canine mandibular rami in two different age groups were measured using the radioactive microsphere technique.

贝尼特斯已经派球探观察拉米很长一段时间了。但还未对这个令自己感兴趣的24岁的后卫进行下一步行动。Benitez has reportedly had scouts track Rami at Lille matches for most of the year but is yet to follow up his interest in the 24-year-old.

一个总部设在伦敦的叙利亚人权观察组织,援引叙利亚内部的消息称,上万名士兵参与了镇压。Citing contacts inside Syria, Rami Abdul-Rahman, the London-based head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said more than 10,000 soldiers were involved.

结果耻骨支应力性骨膜炎5例,在停止军训后的第2年完全愈合,表现形式为骨膜反应的消失。Results The 5 cases of pubic rami periostits was completely recover in 2 th year after finishing military training and the recover form was periostits vanishing.

目的寻找岩静脉和其他静脉之间的吻合支,为临床手术中切断岩静脉提供解剖学依据。Objective To find the rami anastomoticus between petrosal vein and other veins, and provide anatomical basis for cutting off the petrosal vein during the operation.

腺枝葡萄作砧,接穗品种的物候期延迟,花芽分化少,降低果实品质,抗病能力下降。Using rami glandulares grape for anvil can delay the scion varieties' phenology, reduce flower bud differentiation, debase fruit quality and decrease disease-resistant ability.

因此,在一个节段经乳突置入椎弓根螺钉可引起支配相邻关节突关节头侧水平结构的后内侧支损伤。As a result, insertion of a pedicle screw through the mammillary process at one level can cause injury to the medial branch of the dorsal rami that supplies the adjacent cephalad level.

通过对46侧上肢标本的测量,对桡侧肌皮支的起始与行程、分支与分布,管径及血管吻合进行了解剖学观察。The origin, course, branches, distribution, diameter and the anastomosis between the vessels of the radial musculocutaneous rami were observed and measured on 46 sides of the upper extremities.

克鲁已经从布拉德福德签约中场队员斯蒂芬。舒梅切尔,凯尔特人正在观察前阿森纳门将拉米。沙班。他现在在挪威的弗雷德里克斯塔德踢球。Crewe Alexandra have signed Steven Schumacher, the midfield player, from Bradford City. Celtic have been watching Rami Shaaban, the former Arsenal goalkeeper, who plays for Fredrikstad in Norway.

小脑齿状核的微血管多为树根状,分支多以大锐角和弧形发出,且彼此吻合成网,其密度明显高于周围髓质区。Their rami were emitted by a large sharp angle or arc shape, and they anastomosed into meshes each other. The densities of the microvasculature were markedly higher than that of the medulla area.

我已经在法甲踢了两年,我需要在法国再踢两年,”在摩洛哥发迹的拉米把自己未来押在法甲中。"I have only played in Ligue 1 for two years and I believe I need to play one or two more seasons in France, " Rami , who is of Moroccan roots, said when pressed on his future by France Football.