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圣达菲牧场的席瓦.莫拉德法认为她的家会幸免于难。Shiva Moradfar of Rancho Santa Fe believes her home escaped the fire.

“里奥兰翘镇”迄今还没有自己的应急设施。The township of Rio Rancho has hitherto not had its own emergency facilities.

兰乔圣菲的辛迪迈戈尔德计划今天带他的女儿去过她11周生日。Cindy Mangold of Rancho Santa Fe plans to take her daughter today for her 11th birthday.

1886年,名为螺杆菌威尔考克斯一人买了一牧场拉布雷亚,他的妻子改名为好莱坞的一部分。In 1886, a man named H. H. Wilcox bought a part of Rancho La Brea, which his wife renamed Hollywood.

附近也有其他商业区和四个汽车经销商,全部都在热情又亲切的圣玛格丽塔市内。Located near other business parks and 4 Car dealerships in warm and friendly Rancho Santa Margarita.

福特总统和现年88岁的前第一夫人贝蒂?福特一直居住在南加州沙漠地带的“幻像园”。Ford and former first lady Betty Ford, 88, live in Rancho Mirage in the desert of Southern California.

而兰彻却不要随波逐流,他用他哒善良、开朗、幽母霈和聪明影响着四周哒人。But Rancho did not go with the stream, he influenced other people by his kindness, broad-minded, humorous, wisdom.

五月在迪亚波罗农场举办一场婚礼,或许确实算是美梦成真——如果某人真有这样的浪漫情结的话——萨姆就是这样的人。And a May wedding at Rancho Diablo was probably a dream come true—if one had romantic tendencies like that. Sam did.

在本周于加州洛杉矶召开的技术大会上,乔布斯说“我们全身心关注此事”。“We’re all over this, ” said Jobs, speaking this week at a technology conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California.

法涵、拉朱和兰彻是共住一室的皇家工程学院学生。Farhan, Raju, and Rancho are three engineering students who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial College of Engineering.

“三人帮”中兰彻和咯杜都梦想要成为工程师,法汉却想要成为野生动物摄影家。In 3 Idiots, both Rancho and Raju had a vision of becoming a engineer, while Farhan wished to to become a wildlife photographer.

原来在逸升失踪的日子,阮乔已经考了律师牌成为执业律师。Originally in the day of the disappearance of the missing, Rancho has taken an examination of a lawyer to become a practicing lawyer.

这只四岁大的沙皮杂种狗卡在了主教城33-200栋的两面墙之间,并获救。The 4-year-old Shar-Pei mixed breed was rescued after he got stuck between two walls in the 33-200 block of Rancho Vista Drive in Cathedral City.

沙曼身子前倾,探出门口,穿旧的靴子牢牢地扒住走廊,“他们住在卡拉汉,在代阿布洛的兰乔代阿布洛。”Shaman leaned forward, out of the doorway, planting his well-worn boots on the porch. "They live at the Callahan place, Rancho Diablo, in Diablo."

在圣贝纳迪诺大火爆发前,火警们已经在同五天前在崎岖陡峭的兰乔·库卡蒙加山脚北部爆发的大火战斗。Before the outbreak of the San Bernardino fire, firefighters had been battling a blaze that started five days ago in the steep and rugged foothills north of Rancho Cucamonga.

1876年,前加州州长利兰·斯坦福在旧金山购买了650英亩大的农场作为自己的乡村住所,并开始建造他著名的帕拉托畜牧场。In 1876, former California Governor Leland Stanford purchased 650 acres of Rancho San Francisquito for a country home and began the development of his famous Palo Alto Stock Farm.

其他的动物是陷入到焦油坑内,如现在属洛杉矶郊区的兰乔拉布莱被发现的有象,剑齿虎以及很多别的动物。Other animals were trapped in tar pits, like the elephants, saber-toothed cats, and numerous other creatures that are found at Rancho la Brea, which is now just a suburb of Los Angeles.