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经验论的对立面是唯理论。Theopposite of empiricism is rationalism.

经验论的对立面是唯理论。The opposite of empiricism is rationalism.

乔姆斯基的唯理主义思想及其特点。Chomsky's rationalism and its characteristics.

库恩,理性主义者还是非理性主义者?。Irrationalism is opposite to traditional rationalism.

戴震对程朱理学的批判是全方位的。Dai Zhen's critiques to the rationalism were comprehensive.

把理性主义与迷信相区别的分水岭。The great divide which separates rationalism from superstition.

他在经验论与唯理论之间开辟了第三条道路。He cut the third way between the empiricism and the rationalism.

将理论应用于实践,人类就能顺理成章地进行飞跃。By applying rationalism to experience, humans can make logical leaps.

孟、荀的美学理论以实践理性为基础。Meng and Xun's aesthetic theory is based on the practical rationalism.

在近代经验论、唯理论者那里,信念理论得以进一步延续。Belief theory is further extended in modern Empiricism and Rationalism.

这种形式的自然主义主张的密切关系,理性主义和自然神论。This form of naturalism stands in close relation with Rationalism and Deism.

河洛理学有力地塑造了河洛文学的精神品格。Heluo rationalism effectively shapes the character of Heluo literature spirit.

理性主义和渐进主义都是决策理论中的主要的根源性模式。Both rationalism and incrementalism are major root models in policy making theory.

理性主义与经验主义作为一种认识论,原旨在于探求认识世界的途径与方法。The original purpose of rationalism and empiricism is to find ways to know the world.

涂尔干的社会学方法论是实证主义的,也是唯理性—科学主义的。His methodology of social sciences is positivism as well as rationalism and scientism.

辩者一派多从纯理论角度出发,拓展了名、辩的理论深度。Bianzhe schools expand the theoretical depth of MingBian from the aspect of rationalism.

理性主义基本排斥本能,导致文化的畸形发展。Rationalism basically rejects instincts, which leads to abnormal development of culture.

从温和的理性主义立场来看,他们之间的关系不止是家族相似。From a position of moderate rationalism there is more than a family resemblance between them.

很明显的,西方人文主义者并没有办法从普世主义与理性主义中解脱出来。It is obvious that western humanists are not able to think out of universalism and rationalism.

哈贝马斯试图通过发掘理性主义传统中的交往理性来证成自由主义。Habermas tried to justify liberalism by communicative rationality in the tradition of rationalism.