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一个是对教条不顾一切地重新肯定。One is the defiant reaffirmation of dogma.

第二,西方价值的重申。Second is a reaffirmation of Western values.

这就像是对世界情报的又一次肯定。It's like a reaffirmation of the world of intelligence.

我们必须从英国取得无歧异的再确认。We must secure from the British unequivocal reaffirmation.

后来,则可以用来确认和强化这种婚约。Later on, it may be used as a reaffirmation of that commitment.

这件画作不过是对照片原作中所捕捉到的人和物的再次确认。The painting is but a reaffirmation of what was captured in the original photo.

“透明”的重申,同时也意味着对“透明”的渴望。The reaffirmation of the transparency also means that we desire the transparency.

对于家庭来说,假日既是一种亲情的重新确认,同时也会提醒我们其中的瑕疵。Holidays are a reaffirmation of our families, and reminders of their imperfections.

让我们一起踏上这个充满发现及重新肯定信仰的奇妙旅程!It's a miraculous journey of discovery for the whole family and a reaffirmation of faith.

也许你可以送给他一份礼物,通过表达你对他的好感,可以对你的爱意再次确认。By expressing your appreciation to a partner, it may be a reaffirmation of your love, a gift you could give to that person.

美国是在周二举行的首次印美战略和商业对话的背景下做出这一重申的。The reaffirmation from the US comes in the backdrop of the maiden India US Strategic and Commercial Dialogue which was held on Tuesday.

政府在征地过程中的价值选择与目标定位,是政府作为与不作为的重要前提。Government's value choice and target reaffirmation are the critical premise of governmental dutifulness and undutifulness during land expropriation.

他提到近期国家发改委及世界银行的报告再次肯定了未来政策的走向,使外国投资者对政策的落实寄予厚望。He mentioned the recent NDRC-World Bank Report as a positive reaffirmation of future policy directions which leading foreign investors hope to see realized.

在唱红首开先声的重庆,再次肯定民众的力量不仅与经济高速增长并行不悖,甚至还有锦上添花之效。In Chongqing, where it all began, rapid economic development seems to be synchronizing with and even re-enforced by the reaffirmation of the power of the masses.

在重庆,“唱红运动”似乎和当地的经济发展同步,而经济发展也因大众权力的再肯定而得以巩固。In Chongqing, where it all began, rapid economic development seems to be synchronizing with and is even reinforced by the reaffirmation of the power of the masses.

巴勒斯坦领导人在寻求国际社会支持巴勒斯坦建国的时刻,他们希望听到的正是世界各国领导人重申对巴勒斯坦人的支持。The words of reaffirmation are what Palestinian leaders have been hoping to hear from nations around the world as they seek international support for Palestinian statehood.

西方世界应该将中国在短期内取得的一切成就视为其几千年悠久历史的强烈重申。Everything that China achieved in so little time should be viewed by the Western world as the proud reaffirmation of China's strong historical presence throughout millenniums.

我们得出的主要结论仅仅是简单地重申了一个众所周知的论断,亦即期望的形成极大地依赖于过去的交易行为以及对现实环境的判断。Our major conclusion is simply a reaffirmation of the general statement that perceptual organization is powerfully determined by expectations built upon past commerce with the environment.

前项制定程序及国家标准之修订、确认、废止程序,由主管机关以办法定之。The competent authority shall stipulate measures for the procedure of establishing national standards, as well as procedures for amendment, reaffirmation and revocation of national standards.