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我需要经常重新评价我的成本。I constantly need to reassess my cost driver.

是时候让我们重新评价这些专家们的作用了。It is time for us to reassess the role of specialists.

他说,“我们可以回头去修正前辈们留下的错误了。”We can go back and reassess the mistakes of our ancestors.

我们必须重新审度自身在行业中的角色以及采取的策略。We must reassess our role in and our approach to this industry.

但他认为各方面都应退后一步,对当前的高铁计划进行重新评估。But he wants everyone to take a step back and reassess the current plan.

诚然,新大可汗有足够的理由重新评估蒙古战略。Certainly, the new great khan would have good cause to reassess Mongol strategy.

但随着单精子卵胞浆内注射的推广,学者们对其后代的安全性产生质疑,并对其重新进行评估。With the popularization of ICSI, scholars begin to question and reassess its safety for the offspring.

在濒临破产之际,她逐渐重新思考人生中重要的东西。As Rebecca teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, she gradually begins to reassess her priorities in life.

之后在七月份的一次会议上,他才表示他本该与苹果公司重新商讨他在董事会的角色。Then, at a conference in July, he said he would have to talk to Apple and reassess his role on the board.

据闻外交员工正在检查安全局势,将会在星期二重新估计关闭情况。Diplomatic staffs are reportedly reviewing the security situation and will reassess the closures on Tuesday.

美国,你需要重新评估一下它和其他国家的关系,然后按新德规则出牌。America, the US one, needs to reassess how it relates to other nations, and then play by another set of rules.

这个在审查将会调查所有关于生长激素的可获得数据来重新评价这些药物的利弊权重。The review will look into all available data on somatropin to reassess the benefit-risk balance of these medicines.

现在正是评估预算和优先事项的好时候。本周日,你会有闲情逸致做些大胆的发现。Now is a good time to reassess budgets and priorities. This Sunday, set your thoughts free and make a bold discovery.

公司应当重审风险管理案例,防范压力并向监管者汇报情况。Firms should reassess their risk management models to guard against stress and report to supervisors on their efforts.

阿伯哈特没有理会公开挑衅的举措再次震惊了反对者,他们需要时间来重新评估策略。Surprised by Aberhart's refusal to be drawn into open conflict, the insurgents needed time to reassess their strategy.

今年三月,他们在友谊赛中以1比0击败德国队,这使得评论人士对先前的预测进行重新评估。The impressive nature of their 1-0 friendly win in Germany in March prompted critics to reassess their preconceptions.

但就在两个月前,原来力挺嗜碱性细胞的研究者开始对它采用“再评价“和”再考虑“的字眼。But researchers who just 2 months ago were touting basophils' powers are now using words such as "reassess" and "reconsider.

中国政府称天安门抗议活动为反革命暴乱,并拒绝了重新评估其立场的所有呼吁。The government has called the protests a counter-revolutionary rebellion and has rejected all calls to reassess its position.

这或许是一个可以对您的长期职业目标进行重新评估并决定什么样的变迁最适合您的好时机。This might be a good time to reassess your long-term career goals and determine what kind of changes would work best for you.

不断变化和推进的市场很少能够让生产商停下来评估市场然后再发展新产品。The continuous push-and-pull of the market seldom allows a producer to sit back and reassess markets and develop new products.