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你好好洗了洗她么,臭佬?You give her a good wash, Reek?

你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗?Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco?

臭佬众所周知是拉姆西大人的宠物。Reek was known to be Lord Ramsay's pet.

在科迪亚卫星上有圈养力克的牧场。The Codian Moon maintains reek ranches.

摆着战利品的桌面在散发者成功的信息,“Dawson说。"Trophy desks reek of success," Dawson says.

是的,她已经丧失了对邪恶气息的敏锐嗅觉。Yes, she had lost her unerring sense for the reek of evil.

房间里的沙发没有像往常那样散发出霉味。The sofa in the room did not reek of mildew like it usually did.

现在,一个赢家已经诞生了。Well, now we have a winner. And it doesn’t exactly reek of summer.

穿上了结婚礼服、这是在衣柜里唯一一件没有乳臭味道的衣服了。It was the only thing in my wardrobe that didn't reek of sour milk.

我最怕熏香,好好的衣服,熏的烟燎火气的。I don't like incense perfumes. They just make good clothes reek of smoke.

不。你衣服上有鹤顶红,还有毒蝎子的气味。No. Your sleeves are soaked with Erysipelas. They reek of black scorpions.

力克最初来自伊莱西亚,在那里,它们成群结队地在平原上游荡。Reek originally hail from Ylesia, where they roamed the plains in great herds.

资源匮乏使力克之间逐渐产生了越来越强的领土意识。Scarcer resources have instilled even greater territoriality among those reek.

传说中的龙有坚韧而刺眼的鳞甲,能轻而易举地腾云驾雾。The dragon in fokelore has tough and dazzling scute, can easy to do reek giddy.

但是一篇新的论文表明细菌不仅仅会发出恶臭,它们同样能够闻到恶臭。But a new paper suggests that bacteria do not just reek odor—they also smell it.

臭佬可能就下手了,他会这么做的,希望取悦与拉姆西大人。Reek might have done it. Would have done it, in hopes it might please Lord Ramsay.

她从波克手里接过湿淋淋的长柄葫芦勺,鼻孔立即被酒气刺激得皱起来。She took the wet gourd dipper from him, her nostrils wrinkling in distaste at the reek.

任何不想透出穷途末路感觉的演员都应该尽一切可能避免像这样的自我恶搞。这是规则一。Any actor who doesn't want to reek of despair should avoid such self-mockery at all costs.

无论她到哪里,她都会留下含有硫磺的脚印,会冒着双倍火焰的烟。Wherever she passes she shall leave sulphurous footprints which will reek with a double flame.

不过小山脊那边有两个长相一般的中学老师浑身散发着饥渴的气息。But just over young ridge are two not unattractive middle school teachers who reek of desperation.