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可以反省你的行动。Reflect on your favorites.

沿途要住在停留和反省。Stop and reflect along the way.

阿桑奇却荣辱兼具,需要反思这个问题。Assange needs to reflect on this.

他的行为反映他的思想。His actions reflect his thoughts.

那我们就把这两个点对称过去So let's reflect these two points.

一个服务应该反映它的业务。An SOA should reflect its business.

回想你的日常工作和生活。Reflect on your life and work daily.

我们需要时间来反省过去。We need time to reflect on our past.

在你文森的眼中反射出了中国蓝。Reflect in Vincent's eyes of China blue.

反射在文森特青灰色的眼里。Reflect in vincent's eyes of china blue.

电影片名好比影片的门楣。Film names reflect the contents of films.

请你仔细想想我对你讲的话。Please reflect upon what I have told you.

抽点时间仔细考虑你未来的计划。Take some time to reflect on your future.

甲﹕科长﹐我有个问题要反映。A﹕Superviser, I have a problem to reflect.

仔细思考这些问题的答案。Reflect on the answers to these questions.

它们反映的是国家的治理质量。They reflect on the quality of governance.

我们已经更新了措辞揭示这一点。We’ve updated the wording to reflect that.

青灯照壁人初睡。Green light reflect on the wall before sleep.

他们的行动清楚地反映了他们的思想。Their actions clearly reflect their thoughts.

通常,万圣节服装会折射出流行文化的潮流趋势。Usually, costumes reflect pop-culture trends.