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我把他画成党卫队全副武装的样子。I drew him in his SS regalia.

另外他们希望神话般在当地礼服。Plus they look fabulous in their local regalia.

我的妈妈终于毕业了,让我戴戴她的博士帽吧!My Mom finally graduated. This is me with her regalia cap.

麦琪大力反对铺张,甚至拒绝穿华丽的新婚礼服。Meggie was so against a fuss she even refused to wear bridal regalia.

拥有丰富的俄国王室礼服及费伯奇珠宝的收藏。It contains an extensive collection of Russian Imperial regalia and Faberge jewelry.

骨瘦如柴的他们聚集在小小的舞台上,艾希曼身着纳粹的全副戎装坐在前排。Emaciated, they gathered on the small stage. Eichmann sat in the front row, dressed in full Nazi regalia.

他也是奥斯陆共济会组织的成员,曾在网上发布过自己在共济会实习的照片。He was also a member of Oslo's Masonic lodge and posted pictures of himself on the internet in the masonic regalia.

挪威籍的瑞加利亚号潜水平台周日架设在库尔斯克号潜艇所沉没的北冰洋巴伦支海中。The Norwegian diving platform "Regalia" at the scene of the sunken Kursk submarine in the Arctic Barents Sea on Sunday.

我在那里的时候,见到几位“首领”,但是其中有一个特别突出,穿着最好的大平原印第安人的华丽服饰。I saw several "Chiefs" while I was there, but one stood out among the others as he wore the finest full regalia of a Plains Indian.

某处英国花园里,一只身着盛装的孔雀正在玫瑰花和灌木丛中骚首弄姿,似乎在与周围的花朵比美丽。A peacock, perhaps competing with the surrounding flora, struts in full regalia amid the roses and manicured hedges of an English garden.

宝贝再一次,她的配备充分天主教学校雷加里亚,并给她很好的道路上成为国际性的象征。Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia , and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.

直到14世纪才有少量的钻石出现在欧洲的服饰和珠宝上,主要用于珍珠上的画龙点睛。Small numbers of Diamonds began appearing in the 14th century in European regalia and jewelry, set mainly as an accent point among Pearls.

穿着短裤和凉鞋的非印第安人游客对有机会与全身穿着部落服装的印第安人共行共舞颇感惊叹。Non-Native visitors in shorts and sandals seemed awestruck at the opportunity to walk and dance alongside men and women in full tribal regalia.

当时的历史数字显示的粉墨打扮,并特别注意了珠宝,他们穿的构成。Historical figures of the time were shown dressed in full regalia , and particular attention was given to the jewelry that they wore for the pose.

最后,个人装饰物如青铜或者金的耳环,臂环和其他装饰性的徽章是用以显示财富和地位的。Finally, personal ornaments in bronze or gold, made into earrings, armlets, and other ornamental regalia , serve as indicators of status and wealth.

可是,创作的天分与才华不同于水银灯的粉墨岁月,那是一种永远的骚动与不安啊,怎么才能“退出”呢?However, the creative talent and the talent is different from the mercury in the full regalia years, it is a perpetual unrest and anxiety ah, how can "quit" mean?

利昂当皇帝刚好十年了。在几次正式场合,他穿戴着必备的皇袍和王冠,试图让自己看起来很庄严。Cleon had been Emperor for just over ten years and there were times at state occasions when, dressed in the necessary robes and regalia , he could manage to look stately.

作为一个有部队驻防的城市,这里的一切都是整洁而有规矩的。修建整齐的草坪,军队的标志被擦得锃亮,上面映出这里的风景,仿佛在宣布着“巴基斯坦是多么美丽啊”。As a garrison town, everything is very neat and prim. The grass is cut just so, the military regalia polished and signs dot the landscape proclaiming "Pakistan is beautiful".