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领带上的军团条纹?Regimental stripes on ties?

这个团的吉祥物是山羊。The regimental mascot is a goat.

文件上盖有团部的印章。The document bears the regimental stamp.

到胡副团长处去一趟。Report to Assistant Regimental Commander Hu.

该团的吉祥物是一只名叫温斯顿的山羊。The regimental mascot is a goat called winston.

假如让他感到有一丝不存在感,他便会变得无聊。He became bored if made to have a regimental existence.

团部的乐队用风笛奏起凯歌,迎入士兵。The regimental band triumphantly piped the soldiers in.

这个战士奉命到团部去一趟。The soldier was ordered to report at the regimental headquarters.

一个骑着马的人带着总司令的命令嗒嗒地飞奔而来。A rider came pounding up with an order from the regimental commander.

所有的三个团级主官都是二战期间的杰出的营级指挥官。All three regimental commanders had been successful battalion commanders in World War II.

当我听到自己的名字时,我觉得非常的冲动,我被选拔为中尉以及团级后勤部长。And I heard my names that I got prompted to rank lieutenant and position regimental supply officer.

一个营沿着主要补给线前进,后面跟着团部的车队和陆军的暂编营。One was to advance along the MSR, to be followed by the regimental train and the reserve battalion.

山本发现团部的尸体少了一具,他相信那人还会回来。Yamamoto found the body of regimental headquarters for a less, he believed that the man will come back.

九团侦察员发现魏庄附近出现陌生人,他们准备转移团部。Nine regiment scout found Wei Zhuang near strangers, they are going to transfer regimental headquarters.

我觉得福斯特上校昨天晚上在威廉爵士家身穿兵团制服看起来很英俊。And I thought Colonel Forster looked very handsome last night at Sir William's, in his regimental uniform.

我觉得福斯特上校昨天晚上在威廉爵士家身穿兵团制服看起来很英俊。And I thought Colonel Forster looked very handsome last night at Sir William's, in his regimental uniform.'

他十二岁那年就参加了当地的儿童团并担任了团长工作。His 12 year old of that year participated in the local children's corps and is regimental commander to work.

“希特勒青年”师很快组建了大队、团,最后形成了师的规模。The Hitlerjugend Division was soon conducting complicated battalion, then regimental , and finally divisional, exercises.

第三条人民解放军及人民解放军团级以上单位设立选举委员会。Article 3 An election committee shall be established for the PLA as a whole and for any PLA unit at or above the regimental level.

南滚龙村的儿童团团长王二小是个倔强调皮的孩子王。The Wang Er of children regimental regimental commander that Long Cun rolls south is small it is a stubborn and piquant child king.