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加固你的安全网。Reinforce your safety net.

马卡尔可以在这些墓园城中扩张他的军队。Markal will be able to reinforce his army.

此外,我们还用铁皮带加固。Besides, we’ll reinforce the cartons with straps.

你们必需用铁箍加固包装。You must reinforce the packing with metal straps.

应采取措施加固纸箱。Measures should be taken to reinforce the cartons.

店家打了烊,还用胶带强化窗户。Shops close and reinforce their windows with tape.

你们必需用铁箍加固包装。You must reinforce the phvacking with metnos straps.

本文的其余部分将深入讨论这些问题。The rest of this article will reinforce these points.

通过培养感激的态度加强这一观点。Reinforce this by cultivating an attitude of gratitude.

调两个连去增援前线。Two companies were moved up to reinforce the front line.

工场应当适于巩固和申请培训。Workshops should be used to reinforce and apply training.

但我认为会做出一些承诺以加强协调。But I do expect some commitment to reinforce coordination.

就如何加强工作谈几点思考。The paper also concerning about how to reinforce the work.

巩固动词单数第三人称的用法和动名词的用法。To review and reinforce the use of "third person " gerund.

我方建议用两跟包装带加固纸箱。We suggest that you reinforce the cartons with twice belts.

事实上,所有这些变量似乎都是互相加强的。In fact, all of these variables seem to reinforce each other.

结果表明,白炭黑是硅橡胶包覆层材料较为理想的补强填料。The results show that SiO 2 is an effective reinforce filler.

他们赶运了一旅伪军来增援这个地区。They rushed a brigade of puppet troops to reinforce the area.

婴儿身上的这些新发现支持了这个观点。“These new findings in infants reinforce this view,” he said.

但是,不要扩大加强悲观情绪的倾向?But don't broader trends reinforce the doom-and-gloom message?