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File metadata and controls

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向表空间重新插入空闲空间Reinsert free space into the table space

重新和加强六个螺丝取出轻轻在第1步。Reinsert and tighten the six screws removed in step 1 gently.

沿着流向将止回模块和O形环重新插入到阀体内。Reinsert the check modules and O-rings into body in direction of flow.

磁带操作失败。弹出然后重新插入磁带或介质盒。The tape operation failed. Eject and then reinsert the tape or magazine.

移除并重新插入卡,这两个新分区应该挂装在主机平台上了。Remove and reinsert the card, and the two new partitions should mount on your host platform.

我已经记录了所有人的面部图像,你可以把她的芯片插回去了。I have saved the facial images of all of the men. You may disconnect her chip now and reinsert it.

如果您想编辑您在某段话上增添的评注,您可以很容易地编辑并重新插入评注。So if you edit some text in a paragraph that has been commented, you can simply reinsert your comment.

如果您先以动态方式插入控制项,接著在往返作业期间重新插入具有不同值的同样控制项。If you insert controls dynamically and then reinsert them during a round trip, but with different values.

然后移动插入点到新的位置,选择粘贴命令,把剪切的内容重新插入到文本。Then move the insertion point to thenewlocation and choose the paste command to reinsert the text into thedocument.

项目,必须删除取消链接子项目时创建的任务,然后重新插入源文件。The projects again you must delete the task created when you unlinked the subproject and then reinsert the source file.

此后,当您重新插入磁带驱动器,磁带媒体备份程序未正确标识磁带媒体。Thereafter, when you reinsert the tape media into the tape drive, the Backup program does not correctly identify the tape media.

尽管在向漏油的油井中进行灌浆操作时困难重重,但该公司表示将会在周六重新进行灌浆操作。The company says it has had some trouble inserting a tube into the broken well, but it now says it expects to reinsert the siphon Saturday.

若要修复此冲突,可以将外部关键字更改为与已有主关键字相匹配的值,重新插入原始主关键字值,或忽略此冲突。To fix this conflict, you may change the foreign key to match an existing primary key, reinsert the original primary key value, or ignore the conflict.

我们希望重新引入光在这个行星并且恢复地球到它原始的目的—成为一个壮观的银河间信息交换中心。We wish to reinsert light on this planet and restore Earth to its original purpose-that of becoming a magnificent intergalactic exchange center of information.

周二晚尼克斯在第四节将25分的落后分差缩至一半逼得禅师重新召回主力球员才得以100-90取胜。The high-scoring Knicks sliced a 25-point deficit in half in the fourth quarter on Tuesday night, forcing Lakers coach Phil Jackson to reinsert his starters to preserve a 100-90 victory.

这一限制增加大大维护成本,因为它经常迫使维修团队,拖曳设备的换位置,复验装置和继续工作。This restriction adds considerably to maintenance costs because it frequently forces the maintenance teams to haul in the device, change the location, reinsert the device and continue working.

有些时候,这个错误会单独而间歇发生,检查的方法是,先把电池卸下大约20分钟,然后重新插入机身看错误字符会不会再出现。Occasionally, the error detected may be an isolated or intermittent instance. To check this, remove the battery for about 20 minutes, then reinsert the battery to see if the error code will reset.

麦克科鲁斯医生建议,要利用这个时期,作为子女要重新进入父母的生活,他们要在医生访问的时候提出那些令人不快的话题,比如专业指导以及健康委托。This is the time, Dr. McCullough suggests, to reinsert themselves back into the parent’s life, to show up at doctor visits and to raise unpleasant topics like advance directives and health proxies.

智利与阿根廷的合作计画使各种猛禽得以重新在安地斯山脉生存,经过数个月的人类照顾后,两只安地斯秃鹰和两只莫拉鹰被放回他们本来的自然栖息地。Two Andean Condors and two eagle were released into their natural habitat after months of human care as part of a Chile and Argentina program to reinsert birds of prey in the Los Andes mountain range.