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有些农民可能补种玉米。Some farmers may replant corn.

旱灾之后我们只得重新再种。We had to replant after the drought.

现在的两株当然是后人补种的。Now the two is of course the descendants replant.

他们必须尽快在苗床上重新培育上新苗。They have to replant the seedbeds as soon as possible.

丈夫开始有怨言,想改种果树。The husband begins to have complaint, think replant fruiter.

在你们回到田间耕作和修复道路之时,我们也将同你们在一起。We will be with you as you replant your fields and repair your roads.

尽快去补种一次疫苗吧,30微克大剂量的。A vaccine as soon as possible to replant it , 30 micrograms of high-dose.

把大团的根茎挖出来,把它们分成小块然后种植。Dig out the clumps of roots and divide them into smaller portions to replant.

保持新鲜供给要花一至两丁香每个灯泡和补种。To keep a fresh supply take one or two cloves from each bulb and replant them.

最直接的复原形式是修缮结构框架,以及更新植物。The most immediate way of repairing it is to repaire its framework and replant new plants.

接着,实现了嵌入式车载监控终端的操作系统移植以及硬件驱动的设计。After that, the replant of operating system and the design of the hardware drive was realized.

结论尽可能地回植手部套脱皮肤,对手功能及外形的恢复具有重要意义。Conclusion It is important to replant the avulsed skin for hand degioving injury whenever possible.

正在得病发烧期间不要打疫苗,晚点时间问题不大,及时补种就可以了。Is not to get sick during the fever vaccination, is not a matter of time delays, timely replant it.

女孩常常拿起马丢弃枯萎的植物,将补种在她的房间前面。The girl often picked up the withered plants Ma discarded and would replant them in front of her room.

通过对辩诉交易制度的具体分析,本文认为,目前,我国不具备移植辩诉交易制度的观念基础和制度支撑。Now, China hasn't the foundations of the concept and supports of the system to replant Plea-bargaining.

巴斯确实也有后院,不过她没打算短期内把菜园拔了重种Bass does have a backyard, but she has no plans to uproot and replant her garden back there any time soon

但是,如果你为了生产能源,而拿别人的一公顷粮食作物土地来换种产油作物的话,那就有问题了。But if you're going to take an acre of someone's food garden and replant it to make energy, there's problems with that.

酚类物质的自毒作用是造成作物重茬障碍的重要因素之一。Autotoxicity of phenolics is one of the most important factors contributed toward the occurrence of crop replant disorder.

我的理念在西方长大,但是我把他们挖了出来,移植到中国的深处,一个丰富的五千年的历史中。My ideas grow up in the West, but I dig them up and replant them in China's deep ground, a rich five thousand year history.

滨海新区建设中一些工程建设完毕以后,为追求立竿见影的景观效果采用换土,植物移植等极端手段。After getting settled, some of the project adopt the method of changing soil and replant the foliage to reach the rapid respond.