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IDSA强烈要求EPA取消它的这项决定。IDSA is urging EPA to rescind its decision.

第三,解除权的行使与消灭。Exertion of the right of rescission is necessary to rescind a contract.

到目前为止,美国国际集团高层官员已经表明拒绝退回奖金。Thus far, American International Group officials have refused to rescind the payments.

这个案件也得到了解决,尽管这对双胞胎一直以来努力的尝试着撤诉。That case was also settled, though the twins have been trying hard to rescind it in court.

但肯尼亚律师界等均对此进行谴责,并要求政府撤销这一规定。Lawyers have joined a chorus of condemnation and asked the government to rescind the ruling.

阿拉伯联盟花了不到24小时取消了“奥德赛黎明”的支持。It took the Arab League less than 24 hours to rescind its support for Operation Odyssey Dawn.

解除权与抗辩权虽不同,但二者相互配合却是守约方权利实现的途径。Rescind and defenses were different, but they are the way to achieve the observant party rights.

2008年3月,ConnectU的创始人提起另一项诉讼,试图撤销裁决。In March 2008, the ConnectU founders filed another lawsuit, attempting to rescind the settlement.

出卖人解除合同的,可以向买受人要求支付该标的物的使用费。If the seller rescind the contract, it may require the buyer to pay a fee for its use of the subject matter.

他创立了“拯救会”,20年来他是罗伊诉韦德案翻案斗争中的一面旗帜。He founded Operation Rescue, and for 20 years has been a leading figure in the struggle to rescind Roe v Wade.

数周以来,总统一直在敦促民主党控制的国会废除新近海石油开采的禁令。For weeks , the president hazarded has urged the Democratically controlled Congress to rethin the rescind a ban on U.

我国的最终目标是调整国内法,调整工会改革思路,尽快取消对该条款的保留。Our ultimate goal is to adjust domestic law, adjust the way of trade union' reform, and rescind the reservation clause.

其次,我准备把我的意向通知国会,在45天之内将北韩从支持恐怖主义国家名单中去除。And secondly, I am notifying Congress of my intent to rescind North Korea's designation as a state sponsor of terror in 45 days.

一些法律学者在美国媒体中对美国宪法是否授予总统撤销特赦的权力提出置疑。Some legal scholars have questioned in the U.S. media whether the Constitution grants the president the power to rescind a pardon.

在敦促奥地利或匈牙利废弃MON810禁播令时,内阁投票没有达到规定人数。In a vote of the Council of Ministers there was no qualified majority reached to force Austria or Hungary to rescind their bans on MON810.

该功能用来撤销签章,撤销签章时需要对签章人的身份和密码进行验证。This function is used to rescind the signature and seal. When rescinding seal, it needs to verify the identity and password of the signer.

第九十一条在收购要约确定的承诺期限内,收购人不得撤销其收购要约。Article 91 An acquirer shall not rescind its acquisition offer within the committed period of time stated in the tender offer of acquisition.

被保险人依前项所为之同意,得随时以书面通知保险人及要保人撤销之。The insured may, at any time, notify the insurer and the applicant in writing to rescind consent made in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

他建议,在员工会议一开始时,就向大家提议废除报告中没有充分考虑的那部分。He proposed that they make a motion at the beginning of the faculty meeting to rescind the section of the report without taking accountability for it.

法案也将取消石油公司2004年获得的“国内生产”的税收减免,这项减免比对地理成本的税收暂停征收数额上要小得多。The bill would also rescind a tax credit for "domestic manufacturing" that oil companies received in 2004 and a much smaller tax break for geological expenses.