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他的女儿们愤愤不平。His daughters were resentful.

他似乎惹人生?和忿怨。He seems annoyed and resentful.

我感到受屈和怨恨。I felt aggrieved and resentful.

你打算变成个怨妇吗?You planned turns a resentful woman?

他们的情绪往往是是愤怒和心酸的。The mood is often resentful and sour.

这就是怨家,他还是埋怨。No, he was still resentful and unrepentant.

他们中有一方或者双方都感到失望和忿恨。Either or both feel dissatisfied or resentful.

你是否可以让他扰乱你的原订计划,而毫不怨忿?Can he mess up your plans without you becoming resentful?

由于对奴隶制度极为不满,他加入了联邦军队。Militantly resentful of slavery, he joined the Union Army.

她正用忿恨的神情瞪着卡莱尔。She was glowering at Carlisle with a resentful expression.

这种悲怨的作品在其表达的方式上也有其独特之处。The melancholy and resentful works are unique in expressions.

这虽没有打倒我,但吓傻了我,使我觉得自己无能,可恨。It didn't break me, but it left me petrified, powerless and resentful.

Sarju说他时时活在一种惶恐之中,因为他总担心周围的邻居会烧了他的小屋。Sarju says he lives in fear that his hut will be torched by a resentful neighbour.

在这狂欢的气氛里,唯有乔纳生孤单单站着,充满了鄙夷和愤恨。In this euphoric atmosphere, Jonathan stood aloof, alone, disdainful and resentful.

人们讨厌这些外来者,他们把换来的牲畜再次转卖换取了可观的利润。Some are resentful of the outsiders, who resell the livestock at a substantial profit.

告诉诸位,我还有一点小小的遗憾,因为我没有机会去帕梅拉餐厅品尝煎饼。I will tell you I'm a little resentful because I did not get to Pamela's Diner for pancakes.

受赠者感觉憎恨,尽可能少地回报赠与者。The receiver is likely to feel resentful and to give as little as possible back to the giver.

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会由于很多事情对你发脾气,却永远苦守在你身边。A woman who truly loves you will make resentful at you for many things, but will stick around.

这种态度,日积月累,在家人之间就会发展为抱怨和不和。This attitude, over the long haul, will develop very resentful and uncooperative family members.

这样,我就需要她哄我觉得好一点,但是因为她还是觉得委屈,她不能。Then I would need her to help me feel better, which she couldn't do because she was still resentful.