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燕河的明天更加辉煌。Tomorrow of Yanhe must be more resplendence.

你能感觉到雪花的漫天飞舞吗?Can you feel this the starlit sky resplendence?

未来,愿与您共享灿烂,共造辉煌。It is willing to share with you effulgence and resplendence.

金凤凰承诺一定做到“如金品质、共创辉煌”。We promise we must create resplendence with perfect quality.

让我们共同创造温暖的辉煌,迎接万紫千红的春天。Let's create the warm resplendence together, and greet the polychrome spring.

我们的目标是“锻造伟达的品牌,锻造伟达的辉煌”。Our goal is that " forging the big brand Weida , forging the resplendence of Weida ".

万里扬,扬品牌之帆,荡创新双桨,铸企业辉煌!Wanliyang strives for creating the enterprise's resplendence with brand and innovation!

民族文化是中华伟大文明和灿烂文化中的瑰宝。The national culture is a treasure in the greatness and resplendence of the national culture.

竭诚欢迎国内外客商莅临指导、共同发展、共创辉煌。Fervidly welcome the customers home and abroad to contact us and together create the resplendence.

我们真诚欢迎各类人才投身韩钢,共创辉煌。We welcome talented person of all kinds sincerely devoting into Han Gang , create resplendence together.

这场运动经历过辉煌和高潮,也遭遇过林彪和“四人帮”的歪曲与污蔑。It not only experienced its resplendence and climax, but also was distorted by Lin Biao and "Gang of Four".

诚信、合作、发展,台信达电子愿与国内外客户及同行携手,再创辉煌!The trustworthiness, cooperation and development, Wish with all the customer to create resplendence together.

中国电影从诞生到现在,走过了曲折、辉煌和低落的百年历史。With twists, resplendence and downturn, one hundred years hare gone past since the Chinese movie came into being.

公司愿与各界朋友进行广泛的技术交流与合作,共创辉煌!Yuda welcomes you call to hold a trade talk, develop together, make progress together and achieve resplendence together.

真诚的希望同国内外各新老客户同谋发展,创造您我更加辉煌的明天!We faithfully express our desire to corporate with domestic and foreign partners , create the more resplendence tomorrow.

中华民族因为有当今这样的国家领导人、这样的炎黄子孙,决然会创造出更加辉煌灿烂的明天!Because the Chinese nation have now such national leader, such Chinese people, will create resplendence tomorrow decidedly !

我把牛奶倒进去,铜锅坐在蓝色的煤气火焰中,像一尊铜佛坐在青莲花上,澄静,光丽。The copper pan was perched over the blue gas flame, a bronze Buddha on a blue lotus, pure and radiant in tranquil resplendence.

现代的城市达人追逐的不仅是辉煌澎湃的事叶、穿梭游走在盛大酒会宴席之中,而是谦虚低调、毅然淡泊的生活。Nowadays city of people not only chase for resplendence business and join into the grand drinking feast but also modestly living.

然而甚至那些灵性较低的人从他们恰当理解的经验范围中都不会躲避这即将显露的辉煌。Yet even those lowly in spirit will not avert the resplendence of what is to transpire in their universe of timely comprehension.

现代的城市达人追逐的不仅是辉煌澎湃的事业、穿梭游走在盛大酒会宴席之中,而是谦虚低调、毅然淡泊的生活。Nowadays city of people not only chase for resplendence business and join into the grand drinking feast, but also modestly living.