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我需要改变我的生活方式!I needed to revamp my lifestyle!

我们必须极力修补我们的外交关系。We must fight the urge to revamp our diplomatic relations.

所以孕妇一定要在孕期注意补碘。So the pregnant woman must expect to note revamp iodination in the Yun.

辩论以赫尔曼。凯恩为其改变美国税法的三九计划辩护开始。The debate started with Herman Cain defending his 9-9-9 plan to revamp the U.

夸奖的人,而是能帮我们改进机构的人。We want someone not just to cheerlead but to help us revamp our organization.

现在布什采取的风格柔和一点的话,则有机会对其名誉和威望来个翻新补修。Mr Bush now has an opportunity to revamp his reputation by adopting emollient style.

迅销曾召集优衣库的零售专家帮助其改进行销和商店模式。Uniqlo's retail experts have been called in to revamp marketing and store operations.

明年国会将会修补美国混乱的金融监管体制。Congress is next year expected to revamp America’s dysfunctional system of financial regulation.

IHG曾启动一个项目来改造其核心技术——中央订房系统。IHG has started a project to revamp its technological lifeblood, its central reservation system.

有四家试点超市翻新后顾客数量和销售业绩上升了十分之一。In four pilot stores, the number of customers and sales went up by a tenth following the revamp.

针对故障的原因提出了防范措施,并结合实际情况对水封罐的改造提出了建议。Based on these, protective measures and proposals of revamp for water-sealed tank are put forwards.

它确实会给任何沉闷古老的需要立刻修缮的客厅带来现代气息。It will indeed give a contemporary look to any dreary old living room that needs an immediate revamp.

布罗斯领导了英国电信集团21世纪网络,这一庞大工程旨在改善电信的基础设施。Bross spearheaded BT’s 21st Century Network, an ambitious project to revamp the telco’s infrastructure.

通用曾因缺乏节油车型而屡遭诟病,目前正在改进生产线以改变这一局面。GM is trying to revamp its product line, which has been criticized for lacking fuel efficient vehicles.

这些计划是澳航国际运营一次重要改组的一部分,加强了对亚洲的重视。The plans form part of a major revamp of Qantas’s international operations, sharpening its focus on Asia.

一位生活在贫民窟里的服装出口商说,改建后的达拉维“对我的企业一定会有帮助,”。The revamp will "definitely help my business, " said one garment exporter who works and lives in the slum.

邝乐彬称其公司将不不急跟风,国泰不会在2001年前对其公务舱进行改造。With Cathay's business class not due for a revamp until 2001, Cutler says his firm is in no hurry to jump in.

波音公司将在近几个月决定是否对其737单通道喷气飞机生产线进行翻新。Boeing will decide in the next few months whether to embark on a revamp of its 737 single-aisle jetliner line.

在科学家们的一项抗菌新发现之后不久,英国的医院恐怕很快就将发生一个奢侈的变化。Hospitals across Britain could soon undergo a luxury revamp after a new anti-bacterial discovery by scientists.

最近中国面临的一系列食品安全丑闻,引起人们呼吁修改监督措施。The recent series of food safety scandals to hit China has prompted calls for a revamp to supervision practices.