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但是我更不想去拉黄包车。But I would want even less to pull a rickshaw.

无论街上黄包车里还是酒店里。In her rickshaw on the street or in a cabaret.

图为印度儿童乘人力车回家的情景。Indian schoolchild ren riding a rickshaw back home.

市里随处可见的人力车只需15美分。a. A rickshaw anywhere in the city costs fifteen cents.

这车夫扶着那老女人,便正是向那大门走去。It was there that the rickshaw man was taking the old woman.

车夫大概会知道卡利女神庙在哪里。Perhaps the rickshaw runner would know where the temple was.

随后,芷云拦了一辆黄包车,坐上黄包车走了。Subsequently, Zhi Yun stopped a rickshaw, sit rickshaw away.

通往昆明的路。城市里也是黄包车。The road to Kunming. The city was just a rickshaw ride away.

啊啊,但是我这一双弱腕,怕吃不下一部黄包车的重力。Oh, but my useless muscles couldn't even cope with a rickshaw.

看到余志鑫中枪倒地,友美跳下黄包车奔向他。See Yu Zhixin shot in the ground, woomi jumped to his rickshaw.

三十六伏的电池能使该黄包车行驶四十千米。A thirty-six volt battery can carry the rickshaw forty kilometers.

休息时,坐黄包车到昆明。这个孩子拉着我们要走两英里路。At play, rickshaw ride to Kunming. Maybe a two mile run for the boy.

人力车就是一种有三个轮子的交通工具。It's, a rickshaw is a three-wheeled, a little three-wheeled vehicle.

这个人是拉黄包车的,他努力干活养活家人。This man is a rickshaw wallah and he works hard to raise his family.

他辛辛苦苦拉一个月黄包车才赚3块现大洋。He earned only 3 silver dollar after pulling the rickshaw for a month.

阿富汗男子站在旁边1月20日到附近的农田自动人力车。Afghan men stand next to an auto rickshaw near farmers' fields on Jan. 20.

夏马哈拉,人力车司机正在寻觅要搭车去黄金市场的人。A rickshaw driver looks for customers to take to The Gold Market, Shai Mahala.

这车夫扶着那老女人,便正是向那大门走去。The rickshaw man, supporting the old woman, was right walking towards its gate.

任凭他去拉车,他去要饭,也得永远跟着他。Even if he pulls a rickshaw or become a beggar, she would stay with him forever.

对一些说印地语的人力车司机来说,CP就比康诺特广场更容易念。CP is much easier for a Hindi-speaking rickshaw driver to say than Connaught Place.