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数据没有被严格输入吧?Data is not rigidly typed?

封建社会等级森严。Feudal society was rigidly stratified.

不会满脑子只想作生意,非常有弹性。Not rigidly business-minded but very flexible.

医生过于拘泥于既往史。The clinicians rigidly adhere to past history.

做事情不要太拘泥形式。Don't rigidly adhere to form when doing things.

南街村实行的社会主义并非它表面上看到的那样严格。Nanjiecun isn’t as rigidly socialistic asit seems.

他发现了一个错误,把注释硬给删掉了。He found an error and rigidly suppressed the notes.

南街村实行的社会主义并非它表面上看到的那样严格。Nanjiecun isn’t as rigidly socialistic as it seems.

我们建议您严格执行这个实践。We recommend that you enforce this practice rigidly.

塔梁固结,主梁采用三跨连续等高度箱形梁。The bridge towers are rigidly connected with the girders.

数据是否具有非常严格的结构,比如电子表格或数据库?Is it very rigidly structured, like a spreadsheet or a database?

在传统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。In a traditional Chinese family filial piety is rigidly observed.

现在这两段时间已成为该公司硬性规定的无电子邮件时间。These hours are now rigidly observed as a sort of electronic quiet time.

总之,通过这次旅行,我发现多相睡眠并不一定需要一个严格的作息时间表。This trip convinced me that the naps don’t need to be rigidly scheduled.

我们绝不能回到过去那种状况,把经济搞得死死的。We should never go back to the past when the economy was managed rigidly.

腋撑的上、下端分别和框架梁、框架柱刚接。The haunch braces are connected rigidly with structural beams and columns.

他仍然僵硬地坐在原处,呼吸很浅,所有的感官都充满了警惕。He continued to sit rigidly , his breathing shallow, all of his senses alarmed.

工件固定也是通过机用台钳或用机用工作台内T型槽来完成。Is rigidly fixed to machine the workpiece or T-slot machine workstations to complete.

人们的大多数是极端缺乏哲学头脑的。而今天,人们的大多数却拥有投票权。The bulk of mankind is rigidly unphilosophical, and nowadays the bulk of mankind votes.

双端固定桥设计优于单端固定桥和单冠修复。The design of rigidly fixed bridge was superior to free-end fixed bridge and single crown.