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不过电台没必要把所有这些幽默都撤掉。But broadcasters mustn't remove all risqué humour.

但这只是“有伤风化”的时尚。离合法有多远?。But what about just "risque" fashion. How far is this legal?

这条裙子超级短,但她穿着的感觉不会让人觉得太过火。The skirt is suprisingly short, but does not seem risqué on her.

那位喜剧演员的黄色笑话令部分观众错愕。Some of the audience were shocked at the comedian's risqué jokes.

这条裙子超级短,但她穿着的感觉不会让人觉得太过火。The skirt is surprisingly short, but does not seem risqué on her.

你可以开车到一个僻静的地方。You can take a drive somewhere secludedwhere you can get a bit risqué.

他竭力讲他那有伤风化的故事,大家开始感到厌恶了。To such lengths did he go with his risqué stories that everybody began to be disgusted.

这可能是一种赞美的一种更加婉转的方式,要看她对你的肢体语言表达的内容。It may be risque or a more tame form of praise, depending on her body language toward you.

晚上你可以稍微冒点险而同酒吧里的人们一起的时候你就可以肆无忌惮了。In the evening you can be a little more risqué and with the men in the bar you can be outrageous.

主席作了有伤风化的演讲,尽是些双关语,幸亏设人真正听得懂。The chairperson made a risque speech full of double entendres which luckily no one quite understood.

即便是那些沃思科本想用来教会学生关于微妙的讽刺艺术的政治漫画,也太有伤风化。Wathke would have liked to use to teach his students about the delicate art of satire, are too risqué.

麦当娜还在上个月的格莱美颁奖现场穿了一套有伤风化的纪梵希定制束身衣。Meanwhile, Madonna turned heads in a risque custom-made Givenchy corset at The Grammy Awards last month.

我们发现我们都会在尴尬时大笑,因为他们正在做一些我们不感到舒服的事。We find ourselves laughing at risqué humor and embarrassing situations because they make us uncomfortable.

他们也面临与有线电视频道上更多所带来的挑战。They also face the challenge of competing against more risque fare available on cable channels, such as HBO.

如果金钱是问题的关键,问题是,主流黄色影业没有暴力,但它是淫秽和高利润的。But if money is all that matters, the point here is that mainstream porn is violence-free, yet risqué and highly profitable.

有伤风化的“裸体新闻”近日在日本推出时事新闻服务,这档节目的特点就是主持人和记者一边播报新闻一边脱光衣服。Naked news which features anchors and reporters who disrobe during newscasts launched its risque take on current affairs in japan.

在八月份的爱丁堡电视节中,莫维利先生表示,他现在越来越难以让自己的幽默段子通过BBC的审查。At the Edinburgh Television Festival in August, Mr Mulville said it was becoming harder to get risqué jokes past the BBC's censors.

因此,除了剔除你朋友的发表的低俗图片和评论外,还要留心你的好友是谁以及何时加为好友的。So in addition to keeping your friends' risque pictures and comments off of your profile, be cautious about whom you friend and when.

一个玩笑或是一个无味的反驳,用来引起对你曾经的表述的注意,因为你的这一表述带有和性有…A joking and often tasteless retort, intended to draw attention to a previous statement which has the potential for a risqué double entendre.

其结果是演出中出现大量的把酒狂饮、骨盆碰撞和赤膊上阵的舞男,肯定比典型的京剧更有伤风化。The result is a production decidedly more risque than the typical Peking opera, with plenty of wine guzzling, pelvic thrusts and shirtless male dancers.